[Openstack] Heat template - get port ID of 'external' instance

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at bayour.com
Sun Jul 31 14:39:03 UTC 2016

I've created a environment file:

    "OS::Nova::Server::Instance": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FransUrbo/Openstack-Bayour.COM/master/instance.yaml"

I then create an instance from the template:

    type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP
    description: LDAP/KRB5 Admin Floating IP
      floating_network_id: physical
#      port_id: { get_attr: [admin, networks, { get_param: network }, 0, port]}
#      port_id: { get_attr: [admin, networks, 0, port]}

    type: OS::Nova::Server::Instance
      name: instance
      image: { get_param: image }
      size: 5
      flavor: m1.2tiny
      network: { get_param: network }

The problem here is the 'port_id' of "admin_floating". I can't
seem to be able to get the port ID of the instance created..

If I don't rollback my stack, I can investigate the instance
using "openstack server show <instance>" and there's no network
or port in there..
If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing.
- Homer Simpson

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