[Openstack] Choosing between Open vSwitch or Linux bridge

gustavo panizzo (gfa) gfa at zumbi.com.ar
Thu Feb 25 00:53:11 UTC 2016

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 07:20:37PM +0100, Tore Anderson wrote:
> From http://docs.openstack.org/liberty/networking-guide/deploy.html I
> can surmise that I can either use Open vSwitch (OVS) or Linux bridge to
> connect my instances with the outside network.
> What I feel is missing, though, is an official recommendation as to
> which one to pick, or at least a comparsion of the pros and cons of
> each, to help me make an informed choice myself.
> I was able to figure out from the docs that DVR and GRE are features
> that are only supported by OVS. Other than that, they seemed to have
> equivalent features. Performance weren't discussed much, though, and the
> blog posts I was able to find about the subject weren't unanimous
> either (and they were mostly quite dated anyway).
> I'm building a greenfield Liberty installation, so I have no
> technological debt to worry about. Making a sound and
> future-proof choice is my priority here - I really want to avoid
> setting myself up for a migration project to correct a bad choice one
> or three years down the road.

The only pain point of OVS vs LB is that OVS tears down its flows when
the agent is restarted. that is almost totally fixed in liberty.

I would check what your support organization/team knows better, I
had problems supporting OVS, as not many people knows how to troubleshot

> So, I'm soliciting your input: Which implementation did you choose, and
> why? If you could make the choice anew for a greenfield Liberty
> installation, would you make the same one?

LB support wasn't being gated until 1 cycle or so, if there is a default
it is OVS

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