[Openstack] Build SUSE Linux ISO

Vladimir Kozhukalov vkozhukalov at mirantis.com
Wed Feb 10 11:47:47 UTC 2016


We are currently working on making Fuel totally independent on the ISO. ISO
is going to become nothing more than just a convenient way to get
everything in a single file. We are currently focusing on package based
delivery approach. So, to make it possible to run Fuel on SUSE you should
build all necessary Fuel RPM packages and publish them to a repository.
Then you could potentially use this repo while building SUSE based Fuel

But please be informed that we are on our way to make it possible to
install Fuel on the pre-provisioned CentOS 7 just configuring Fuel yum
repositories and then running 'yum install' command (and probably some
deployment scripts). So, it will be much easier to implement Fuel-on-SUSE
once this feature (installing Fuel from the repo) is ready. In about
several weeks our current build system will be significantly re-worked (to
make it simpler, more flexible and easier to use). If it is not a problem,
you could postpone your activity for a while (beginning of March or so) and
then contact me directly to get detailed info.

This doc https://docs.fuel-infra.org/fuel-dev/buildsystem.html#build-targets
is going to be outdated since Fuel 9.0.

Vladimir Kozhukalov

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Martin Alonso Victor <
victor.martinalonso at altran.com> wrote:

> Good morning,
> I was reading the Fuel documentation and I am interested in the eighth
> point from https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel#What_is_Fuel.3F
> And I was thinking if it's possible to build a SUSE Linux image using the
> SUSE ISO images. Could I build it?
> P.S. I read this too
> https://docs.fuel-infra.org/fuel-dev/buildsystem.html#build-targets but I
> don't know if it's still possible to achieve what I want.
> Thank you so much.
> Kind regards,
> Victor
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