[Openstack] LinuxBridge doesn't create any br while creating vm
kimbyeonggi at gmail.com
Thu May 28 08:07:39 UTC 2015
I'm now trying to deploy OpenStack Juno 3 nodes environment with
LinuxBridge on CentOS7. I set tenant_network_type to VLAN.
The problem is, a VM cannot be created and the linuxbridge agent seems not
working correctly because any port or br is shown while checking via brctl
show command.There were several error logs:
--- nova-conductor ---
No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.
--- nova-compute ---
NovaException: Unexpected vif_type=binding_failed
--- neutron-linuxbridge-agent ---
Device tapxxx-xxx not defined on plugin
I assume that my /etc/neutron/neutron.conf or
/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini configuration might be wrong, but I
cannot notice which configuration is wrongly set.
I refer to the guides on the websites;
Here are my ml2_conf.ini files on each nodes as below:
1. Controller
type_drivers = vlan,flat
tenant_network_types = vlan
mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge
flat_networks = flat
network_vlan_ranges = vlan:1:100
enable_security_group = True
firewall_driver =
enable_ipset = True
2. Compute
type_drivers = vlan,flat
tenant_network_types = vlan
mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge
flat_networks = flat
network_vlan_ranges = vlan:1:100
enable_security_group = True
enable_ipset = True
firewall_driver =
physical_interface_mappings = vlan:eth2
tenant_network_type = vlan
network_vlan_ranges = vlan:1:100
3. Network (I doesn't set flat network for external yet, so that the
physical_interface_mappings only contains one list)
type_drivers = vlan,flat
tenant_network_types = vlan
mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge
flat_networks = flat
network_vlan_ranges = vlan:1:100
enable_security_group = True
enable_ipset = True
firewall_driver =
physical_interface_mappings = vlan:eth2
tenant_network_type = vlan
network_vlan_ranges = vlan:1:100
Any comments and help would really be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Byeong-Gi KIM
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