[Openstack] Documentation for Neutron L3 / VXLAN with LinuxBridge...

James Denton james.denton at rackspace.com
Wed May 27 15:28:14 UTC 2015


> The visible error was "no valid host was found”

You may find something useful in the nova scheduler log on the controller node for debugging that error. You could be out of resources across the compute nodes, or the flavor is too small for the image, or something else could be wrong. It’s hard to say.

> By the way, does LinuxBridge need to be configured like OVS? For example, add-br and add-port for br-ex is required while configuring OVS setting.

No, it doesn’t. With OVS, you’re adding an interface to the provider bridge manually, and then the OVS agent creates flows that modify the packets as they traverse the bridge, stripping and adding vlan tags as needed. You can use multiple provider bridges that each have dedicated interfaces, and have a provider label that maps to each bridge. With LinuxBridge, you specify one or more label-to-interface mappings, much like OVS. The LinuxBridge agent will create a bridge for every network that gets created, and will create a vlan interface (ie. eth1.x) based on the provider label and segmentation ID that were specified in net-create. When tenants create networks, both of those values are automatically determined based on the configuration file and are not settable by users. The agent then puts the vlan interface into the respective bridge.

> Another question is that I wonder whether configuring /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX.X is needed for VLAN setting.

The idea is that you would let the OVS or LinuxBridge agent handle the vlan tagging for you by reserving and specifying a dedicated interface that those agents can manage. There is no need to configure a vlan interface in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts for every network except in specific circumstances.

I hope that makes sense.


> On May 26, 2015, at 7:31 PM, BYEONG-GI KIM <kimbyeonggi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Thank you very much for sharing the information!
> I'm now trying to configure 3 node deployment (1 controller, 1 compute, and 1 network) with LinuxBridge Plugin. Actually, I deployed VLAN setting with the plugin but it seemed not working so that I'm now checking what the problem is. The visible error was "no valid host was found", however I think something much more complicated would be behind the error. :(
> I have to go back to the beginning of the deployment in order to check what is wrong, and the information what you all shared would be greatly helpful.
> By the way, does LinuxBridge need to be configured like OVS? For example, add-br and add-port for br-ex is required while configuring OVS setting. Another question is that I wonder whether configuring /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX.X is needed for VLAN setting.
> Best regards
> Byeong-Gi KIM
> 2015-05-27 5:36 GMT+09:00 James Denton <james.denton at rackspace.com <mailto:james.denton at rackspace.com>>:
> For more up-to-date configuration examples, including ML2/LinuxBridge/VXLAN, try taking a look at the new networking guides on docs.openstack.org <http://docs.openstack.org/>:
> LinuxBridge: http://docs.openstack.org/networking-guide/deploy_scenario1b.html <http://docs.openstack.org/networking-guide/deploy_scenario1b.html>
> All: http://docs.openstack.org/networking-guide/ <http://docs.openstack.org/networking-guide/>
> James
>> On May 26, 2015, at 11:22 AM, Remo Mattei <remo at italy1.com <mailto:remo at italy1.com>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I did a project with a TELCO, and used both Linux Bridge and OVS, with ML2 you can use multiple plugins and I do not recall ti have done anything special for the config.
>> If you get stuck send an email, I can always check notes but Arindam, sent a detail steps so hopefully that will address your question.
>> Remo
>>> On May 26, 2015, at 08:40, Bhattacharjee, Arindam (Arindam) <arindam.bhattacharjee at alcatel-lucent.com <mailto:arindam.bhattacharjee at alcatel-lucent.com>> wrote:
>>> These are few notes I had for Linux bridge config on neutron in initial Havana release. Hope this helps!
>>> Arindam
>>> From: BYEONG-GI KIM [mailto:kimbyeonggi at gmail.com <mailto:kimbyeonggi at gmail.com>]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 12:09 AM
>>> To: Martinx - ジェームズ; openstack at lists.openstack.org <mailto:openstack at lists.openstack.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [Openstack] Documentation for Neutron L3 / VXLAN with LinuxBridge...
>>> Hello.
>>> I'm looking for the way of LinuxBridge setup for openstack neutron networking instead of ML2 VLAN/VXLAN/GRE like your reason, and you seems successfully deployed the environment.
>>> Could you give me any advice for the deployment?
>>> I'm now deploying openstack 3 nodes (actually, I attached another compute, so my current deployment setup is 4nodes, i.e., 1 controller, 1 network, and 2 computes) by following the openstack installation guide, http://docs.openstack.org/kilo/install-guide/install/yum/content/neutron-controller-node.html <http://docs.openstack.org/kilo/install-guide/install/yum/content/neutron-controller-node.html>. I think several options in /etc/nova/nova.conf, /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini and /etc/neutron/neutron.conf should be modifed properly in order to use LinuxBridge instead of OVS.
>>> Here are the lists what I know to modify:
>>> 1. /etc/neutron/neutron.conf on controller
>>> core_plugin = ml2 (I think this should be modified but I don't know what parameter indicates Linux Bridge Agent Plugin)
>>> 2. /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini on controller
>>> Do I still need to modify this file? I'm confused, because the file name is 'ml2', which is for ml2 plugin not for 'linux bridge'... And, I wonder the lists should be modified.
>>> Thank you in advance!
>>> Regards
>>> Byeong-Gi KIM
>>> 2015-04-21 7:19 GMT+09:00 Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com <mailto:thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com>>:
>>> Hi James!
>>> On 20 April 2015 at 18:16, James Denton <james.denton at rackspace.com <mailto:james.denton at rackspace.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi Thiago,
>>> VXLAN requires an IP address on each host from which to build the overlay mesh between hosts. Some choose to use a dedicated interface/IP/VLAN for this, but its not required.
>>> Sure, I'm aware of that.
>>> What is new for me, is that when using "VXLAN + OpenvSwitch", plains VLANs are not required but, when using "VXLAN + LinuxBridges", then, you'll need plain VLANs as well (and this is new for me).
>>> As for ‘vconfig’ missing - It appears that the 'ip link’ command (iproute2) is being used instead to create vlan interfaces.
>>> Okay, cool! I'll take a look on that.
>>> Thank you!
>>> James
>>> Thiago
>>> On Apr 17, 2015, at 10:26 PM, Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com <mailto:thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Perfect! I followed the Juno documentation here:
>>> http://docs.openstack.org/juno/install-guide/install/apt/content/ch_preface.html <http://docs.openstack.org/juno/install-guide/install/apt/content/ch_preface.html>
>>> But I have "VXLAN + LinuxBridges", instead of "GRE + OVS", pretty cool!
>>> I was doing it wrong (of course), I did not realized that VXLAN with LinuxBridges, required plain VLANs to work (Is that right?)...
>>> Nevertheless, I still do not fully understand this setup, since the "vlan" package and its "vconfig" binary, is not even installed at my Network Node, also, there is nothing at my "/proc/net/vlan...".
>>> So, how it is working?  lol
>>> Good challenge for the weekend to figure this out!   ^_^
>>> Cheers!
>>> Thiago
>>> On 17 April 2015 at 23:30, Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com <mailto:thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> BTW, I just found this:
>>> https://github.com/madorn/vagrant-juno-linuxbridge-vxlan-vlan <https://github.com/madorn/vagrant-juno-linuxbridge-vxlan-vlan>
>>> The problem is that it is for VirtualBox or VMWare, and I'm using exclusively KVM these days...   :-/
>>> But, I believe it will help me anyway...   =P
>>> On 17 April 2015 at 22:01, Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com <mailto:thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>>  Where can I find a complete documentation to make use of LinuxBridges, instead of OpenvSwitch, when using it with VXLAN?
>>>  I faced too many problems with OVS in the past (also these days) and now, even Rackspace deploys their RPC v9 and v10 with LinuxBridges but, where are the documents?
>>>  I'm reading now, the following  Ansible files, to try to figure this out:
>>>  https://github.com/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment <https://github.com/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment>
>>>  But, this isn't a documentation...   :-P
>>>  The current Juno documents only explain GRE + OVS but, this setup is unstable and slow.
>>> Cheers!
>>> Thiago
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