[Openstack] LBaaS

Mehdi BADAOUI mehdiuniv at gmail.com
Fri May 22 07:46:01 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I am trying to implement a private cloud OpenStack infrastructure, I set up
two servers (All In One) running OpenStack.

The company wants to have a High Availability service (Active, Active), what
I can do LBaaS between two servers (All In One)? should be do an
architecture with Compute node and controller node to use LBaaS? The
company wants
is that VMs (instances) continue to run in case of a server crash
Then for the storage, I am setting up a distributed storage with Ceph

Thanks in advance. Waiting for early replies.

Thanks and Regards,


*  <http://dz.linkedin.com/pub/mehdi-badaoui/20/944/3ab/>*
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