[Openstack] [Fuel] changing assigned VLANs after install
Alexander Liemieshko
aliemieshko at mirantis.com
Mon Jul 27 15:39:16 UTC 2015
Hello, the guide below details how you can change assigned VLANs after
Changing VLAN on (post-deployment environment) on Fuel 6.1 (Ubuntu)
Note: Before performing any operations, you should schedule the maintenance
window, perform backups of all databases
Preparation: in the worst case your new VLANs, you are going to use to run
OpenStack networks through, may be already reserved as tenant VLANs in
Neutron. Please re-configure Neutron and re-create affected tenant networks
first in order to free up the needed VLANs to host machines.
1. Modify DB nailgun(on master node) :
(first of all you have to create backup DB nailgun)
dockerctl shell postgres
su - postgres
pg_dump nailgun > nailgun_back.sql
Vlan_range for Neutorn L2 Configuration:
Note: For example, we are changing: vlan_range='[1700, 1730]' ,
vlan_start='104' for Storage, vlan_start='103' for Management
dockerctl shell postgres
su - postgres
psql -d nailgun
nailgun=# select * from neutron_config ;
id | vlan_range | gre_id_range | base_mac | internal_cidr |
internal_gateway | ...
3 | [1000, 1030] | [2, 65535] | fa:16:3e:00:00:00 | | | vlan | ovs
(1 row)
nailgun=# update neutron_config set vlan_range='[1700, 1730]' where id=3;
nailgun=# select * from neutron_config;
id | vlan_range | gre_id_range | base_mac | internal_cidr |
internal_gateway | ...
3 | [1700, 1730] | [2, 65535] | fa:16:3e:00:00:00 | | | vlan | ovs
(1 row)
Vlan for Management:
nailgun=# select * from network_groups;
id | name | release | vlan_start | cidr ...
11 | management | 2 | 101 | |
nailgun=# update network_groups set vlan_start='103' where id=11;
nailgun=# select * from network_groups;
id | name | release | vlan_start | cidr ...
11 | management | 2 | 103 | |
Vlan for Storage:
nailgun=# select * from network_groups;
id | name | release | vlan_start | cidr ...
12 | storage | 2 | 102 | |
nailgun=# update network_groups set vlan_start='104' where id=12;
nailgun=# select * from network_groups;
id | name | release | vlan_start | cidr ...
12 | storage | 2 | 104 | |
All changes you can to see on Fuel UI → Networks:
-- Before
-- After
2. Modify 'ml2_conf.ini' (on all nodes in environment):
(Note: run on master node)
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2 && sed -i
Reboot neutron-server on all controllers :
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk
'/ready.*controller.*True/{print $1}'); do ssh node-$i initctl restart
3. Modify astute.yaml (on all nodes in environment):
(Note: run on master node)
Change 'vlan_range' and 'vlans':
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i "s/vlan_range.*/vlan_range: 1700:1730/"
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk
'/ready.*controller.*True/{print $1}'); do ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i
"s/vlan_range.*/vlan_range: 1700:1730/" primary-controller.yaml';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i "s/vlans: 1000:1030/vlans: 1700:1730/"
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk
'/ready.*controller.*True/{print $1}'); do ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i
"s/vlans: 1000:1030/vlans: 1700:1730/" primary-controller.yaml';done
Change 'vlans' for 'br-storage' and 'br-mgmt':
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i "s/vlans: 102/vlans: 104/" astute.yaml';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk
'/ready.*controller.*True/{print $1}'); do ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i
"s/vlans: 102/vlans: 104/" primary-controller.yaml';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i "s/vlans: 101/vlans: 103/" astute.yaml';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk
'/ready.*controller.*True/{print $1}'); do ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i
"s/vlans: 101/vlans: 103/" primary-controller.yaml';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i "s/eth0.101/eth0.103/" astute.yaml';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk
'/ready.*controller.*True/{print $1}'); do ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i
"s/eth0.101/eth0.103/" primary-controller.yaml';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i "s/eth0.102/eth0.104/" astute.yaml';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk
'/ready.*controller.*True/{print $1}'); do ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && sed -i
"s/eth0.102/eth0.104/" primary-controller.yaml';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && cat astute.yaml |grep vlans';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && cat astute.yaml |grep vlan_range';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'cd /etc/ && cat astute.yaml |grep eth';done
Remove 'globals.yaml':
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'rm -fv /etc/hiera/globals.yaml ';done
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'ls -l /etc/hiera ';done
Create new 'globals.yaml':
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'nohup puppet apply -d
/etc/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/modular/globals/globals.pp 2>&1 | tee
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*True/{print $1}'); do
ssh node-$i 'ls -l /etc/hiera ';done
4. Change 'vlan' for networks 'storage' and 'management'
(Note: first on all controller nodes )
Enabling Pacemaker maintenance mode:
(Note: run on one of the controller node)
# crm configure property maintenance-mode=true
On all controller nodes
Disable an Network Interface:
(in our example interfaces eth0.101 and eth0.102)
# ifconfig eth0.101 down
# ifconfig eth0.102 down
Remove old config files for 'eth0.101' and 'eth0.102':
# rm -vf /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0.101
# rm -vf /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0.102
Run puppet manifest for configure network with new parameters:
# nohup puppet apply -d
/etc/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/modular/netconfig/netconfig.pp 2>&1 | tee
Delete old sub-interfaces for 'br-mgmt' and 'br-storage':
# brctl show
# brctl delif br-mgmt eth0.101
# brctl delif br-storage eth0.102
Disable services 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent ' and 'nova-compute':
(Note: run on master node)
# for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*compute.*True/{print
$1}'); do ssh node-$i 'initctl stop neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent &&
initctl stop nova-compute';done
On all computes nodes
Disable an Network Interface:
(in our example interfaces eth0.101 and eth0.102)
# ifconfig eth0.101 down
# ifconfig eth0.102 down
Remove old config files for 'eth0.101' and 'eth0.102':
# rm -vf /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0.101
# rm -vf /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0.102
Run puppet manifest for configure network with new parameters:
# nohup puppet apply -d
/etc/puppet/modules/osnailyfacter/modular/netconfig/netconfig.pp 2>&1 | tee
Delete old subinterfaces for 'br-mgmt' and 'br-storage':
# brctl show
# brctl delif br-mgmt eth0.101
# brctl delif br-storage eth0.102
Disable maintenance mode:
(Note: run on one of the controller node)
# crm configure property maintenance-mode=false
Note: You need to wait from a 1 up to 20 minutes.
Enable services 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent ' and 'nova-compute':
(Note: run on master node)
for i in $(fuel nodes --env <env_ID> | awk '/ready.*compute.*True/{print
$1}'); do ssh node-$i 'initctl start neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent &&
initctl start nova-compute';done
Note: Now If you add new nodes(from UI or CLI) they will be with new
network settings
Kind Regards,
Alexander Liemieshko
L2 Support engineer
Fuel Core Team | Mirantis Inc.
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