[Openstack] Spawning Issue with Juno, Neutron, Xen and Libvirt

Anthony PERARD anthony.perard at citrix.com
Thu Jul 23 10:40:59 UTC 2015

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 06:21:31PM -0400, Geoffrey Tran wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> Thank you for your help.
> > I don't know much of what Neutron is doing with the network interface but
> > we can maybe try to work arround this issue.
> > Could you add "exit 0" at the begin of the /etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge
> > script? Then check if you've got network access to the guest.
> I tried as you suggested.  Now, the VM does boot, but unfortunately there 
> is no network access (I cannot ping the associated floating IP).  

Ok, let's debug that further. Once the VM have booted, can you check the
state of the network interface by running the following command?

ip link
brctl show

> Furthermore, I am unable to view the console through horizon. 

That expected, unfortunatly, there are bugs which are been fixed in later
version of libvirt, from libvirt 1.2.15.
What we are using for the Xen Project CI loop can be found at this address:

But you can access the console through other mean, via libvirt.

Start virsh, find the running instance and connect to it:
(There are two prompts, shell prompt and virsh prompt)

sh$ virsh -c xen:
virsh# list
 Id    Name                           State
 193   instance-0000008e              running
virsh# console instance-0000008e
// here will be the console of the VM
// to quit, ctr+]

> Do you have any other ideas? That is interesting that the master doesn't 
> have the issue.  Just to verify, are you running this all on one node? 

Yes, all in one. I've enable those neutron services via devstack:
q-agt q-dhcp q-lbaas q-meta q-metering q-svc q-vpn q-l3 q-fwaas

Anthony PERARD

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