[Openstack] Pricing for Floating IP - Cloudkitty

Stéphane Albert sheeprine-ml at nullplace.com
Thu Dec 24 13:40:30 UTC 2015

On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 01:48:45PM +0530, murali wrote:
> Hello ,
> I need to configure price for the floating IP.
> I have tried creating the pricing as follows:
> First created the service named network.floating.
> Then created the group named network.floating.
> Have created the service mapping for the same with some cost and pricing
> type "Flat".
> But still it seems not to be working.
> I have checked the Db backend for the same to ensure that whether cost for
> the same is displayed.
> It is not displaying the cost for the same.

Even if you're not applying rating rules on floating IPs you should
still get data inserted in CloudKitty storage backend.
If you don't get the data in the storage, it's either that the data is
not in ceilometer or that the service collection is not enabled.

Try to check you configuration parameters and query ceilometer API for
floating IP information. If your settings are right and ceilometer is
collecting the data, then open a bug report. We'll try to figure out
what's not working.


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