[Openstack] [Swift - hummingbird] Stable code for testing

Shrinand Javadekar shrinand at maginatics.com
Thu Dec 3 22:06:28 UTC 2015


I am trying to test the latest hummingbird code. However, I ran into
issues even while getting the basics to work.

The last commit I have is this one:

commit adcd49a481cc4f4752e2e43ec5e5724687f44945
Merge: 7c9fc6d 9d3d2dc
Author: Jenkins <jenkins at review.openstack.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 20 20:41:20 2015 +0000

    Merge "go: pass vars to container update" into feature/hummingbird

After building this code, I tried starting the proxy and object
server. And both failed:

* ./hummingbird proxy start -c /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf
Unable to load proxy
Proxy server started
* ./hummingbird proxy start -c /etc/swift/object-server.conf
Unable to load object
Object server started

The config file name seemed to have been hard-coded to "proxy" and
"object" respectively. I changed that, rebuilt the binary and ran the
executables. They started.

Next step, check if the swift command line client works fine.
Unfortunately, not!

$ swift -A http://localhost:8095/auth/v1.0 -U test:test -K testpass stat
Account HEAD failed: http://localhost:8095/v1/AUTH_qfered:dtayqk 501
Not Implemented

Wondering if PUTs are implemented, I tried issuing a PUT request and
that failed with an index out of range exception.

swift-go-test proxy-server[43889]: PANIC: runtime error: index out of
range: /src/go-projects/src/github.com/openstack/swift/go/hummingbird/server.go:151

Is there a stable version of hummingbird available to test?

Thanks in advance.

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