[Openstack] Ubuntu Cloud Archive not reachable via IPv6

Martinx - ジェームズ thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 23:06:25 UTC 2014

Hey Stackers!

 I'm already building IceHouse Clouds that are IPv6-Only networks, using

 Now, I would like to start testing Juno, in my IPv6 lab but, it doesn't

 Apparently, the entire Ubuntu PPA infrastructure doesn't have IPv6
connectivity, and this is affecting OpenStack users, because UCA doesn't
have IPv6 connectivity...

 Is there any possibility for you guys from OpenStack, to put some pressure
on Canonical to enable IPv6 at its PPA servers?!

 It is a pain to maintain creepy NAT64 at my border gateway just to access
some PPA repos...

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