[Openstack] Getting Havana to work with Neutron, ML2 and VXLAN (vif_type=binding_failed error)

Tom Verdaat tom at verdaat.org
Thu Mar 27 23:15:55 UTC 2014

Thanks for your reply.

I checked that. Followed these
Using the vxlan typedriver and openvswitch mechanism driver. Agents
are up on both the networking node and compute node.

Pasted the agent information and configuration files below. vm-1 is the
networking node, mv-4 the compute node. Tried configuring a public network
for floating IP's but I get the same problem with a simple internal tenant

Any idea why it won't work?



# neutron agent-list
| id                                   | agent_type         | host | alive
| admin_state_up |
| e3b5c1b3-307c-4c27-8ea2-30e253da776b | Loadbalancer agent | vm-1 | :-)
| True           |
| 8aa54d4a-27db-4ec9-a49f-0766479ce35c | Metering agent     | vm-1 | :-)
| True           |
| e63e47c7-b78c-42b3-b28e-62e6ada26be2 | DHCP agent         | vm-1 | :-)
| True           |
| 994c8598-ee7d-46ae-9681-b7718758199c | L3 agent           | vm-1 | :-)
| True           |
| c26c302c-19a1-44af-b941-061a11e559eb | Open vSwitch agent | vm-1 | :-)
| True           |
| d80bac01-f651-4ad3-8564-d6933ee9a919 | Open vSwitch agent | vm-4 | :-)
| True           |

# neutron agent-show 994c8598-ee7d-46ae-9681-b7718758199c
| Field               |
| admin_state_up      |
| agent_type          | L3
agent                                                                      |
| alive               |
| binary              |
| configurations      |
|                     |      "router_id":
"",                                                         |
|                     |      "gateway_external_network_id":
"",                                       |
|                     |      "handle_internal_only_routers":
true,                                    |
|                     |      "use_namespaces":
true,                                                  |
|                     |      "routers":
0,                                                            |
|                     |      "interfaces":
0,                                                         |
|                     |      "floating_ips":
0,                                                       |
|                     |      "interface_driver":
"neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver",  |
|                     |      "ex_gw_ports":
0                                                         |
|                     |
| created_at          | 2014-03-27
00:34:10.528993                                                    |
| description
| heartbeat_timestamp | 2014-03-27
09:47:34.777233                                                    |
| host                |
| id                  |
| started_at          | 2014-03-27
08:47:30.366770                                                    |
| topic               |

# neutron agent-show c26c302c-19a1-44af-b941-061a11e559eb
| Field               | Value                                |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| agent_type          | Open vSwitch agent                   |
| alive               | True                                 |
| binary              | neutron-openvswitch-agent            |
| configurations      | {                                    |
|                     |      "tunnel_types": [               |
|                     |           "vxlan"                    |
|                     |      ],                              |
|                     |      "tunneling_ip": "",   |
|                     |      "bridge_mappings": {},          |
|                     |      "l2_population": true,          |
|                     |      "devices": 0                    |
|                     | }                                    |
| created_at          | 2014-03-27 00:35:17.555910           |
| description         |                                      |
| heartbeat_timestamp | 2014-03-27 09:33:35.133166           |
| host                | vm-1                                 |
| id                  | c26c302c-19a1-44af-b941-061a11e559eb |
| started_at          | 2014-03-27 00:35:22.920690           |
| topic               | N/A                                  |

# neutron agent-show d80bac01-f651-4ad3-8564-d6933ee9a919
| Field               | Value                                |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| agent_type          | Open vSwitch agent                   |
| alive               | True                                 |
| binary              | neutron-openvswitch-agent            |
| configurations      | {                                    |
|                     |      "tunnel_types": [               |
|                     |           "vxlan"                    |
|                     |      ],                              |
|                     |      "tunneling_ip": "",   |
|                     |      "bridge_mappings": {},          |
|                     |      "l2_population": false,         |
|                     |      "devices": 0                    |
|                     | }                                    |
| created_at          | 2014-03-27 09:13:24.616733           |
| description         |                                      |
| heartbeat_timestamp | 2014-03-27 09:33:44.360747           |
| host                | vm-4                                 |
| id                  | d80bac01-f651-4ad3-8564-d6933ee9a919 |
| started_at          | 2014-03-27 09:13:24.616733           |
| topic               | N/A                                  |


# Default log level is INFO
# verbose and debug has the same result.
# One of them will set DEBUG log level output
# debug = False
debug = False
# verbose = False
verbose = False

# Where to store Neutron state files.  This directory must be writable by
# user executing the agent.
state_path = /var/lib/neutron

# Where to store lock files
lock_path = $state_path/lock

# log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)8s [%(name)s] %(message)s
# log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

# use_syslog                           -> syslog
# log_file and log_dir                 -> log_dir/log_file
# (not log_file) and log_dir           -> log_dir/{binary_name}.log
# use_stderr                           -> stderr
# (not user_stderr) and (not log_file) -> stdout
# publish_errors                       -> notification system

# use_syslog = False
use_syslog = False
# syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER

# use_stderr = True
# log_file =
# log_dir =
log_dir =/var/log/neutron

# publish_errors = False

# Address to bind the API server
# bind_host =
bind_host =

# Port the bind the API server to
# bind_port = 9696
bind_port = 9696

# Path to the extensions.  Note that this can be a colon-separated list of
# paths.  For example:
# api_extensions_path =
# The __path__ of neutron.extensions is appended to this, so if your
# extensions are in there you don't need to specify them here
# api_extensions_path =

# Neutron plugin provider module
core_plugin = neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin

# Advanced service modules
# service_plugins =

# Paste configuration file
# api_paste_config = api-paste.ini

# The strategy to be used for auth.
# Supported values are 'keystone'(default), 'noauth'.
# auth_strategy = keystone
auth_strategy = keystone

# Base MAC address. The first 3 octets will remain unchanged. If the
# 4h octet is not 00, it will also used. The others will be
# randomly generated.
# 3 octet
# base_mac = fa:16:3e:00:00:00
base_mac = fa:16:3e:00:00:00
# 4 octet
# base_mac = fa:16:3e:4f:00:00

# Maximum amount of retries to generate a unique MAC address
# mac_generation_retries = 16
mac_generation_retries = 16

# DHCP Lease duration (in seconds)
# dhcp_lease_duration = 86400
dhcp_lease_duration = 120

# Allow sending resource operation notification to DHCP agent
# dhcp_agent_notification = True

# Enable or disable bulk create/update/delete operations
# allow_bulk = True
allow_bulk = True
# Enable or disable pagination
# allow_pagination = False
# Enable or disable sorting
# allow_sorting = False
# Enable or disable overlapping IPs for subnets
# Attention: the following parameter MUST be set to False if Neutron is
# being used in conjunction with nova security groups
# allow_overlapping_ips = False
allow_overlapping_ips = False
# Ensure that configured gateway is on subnet
# force_gateway_on_subnet = False

# RPC configuration options. Defined in rpc __init__
# The messaging module to use, defaults to kombu.
# rpc_backend = neutron.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu
rpc_backend = neutron.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu
# Size of RPC thread pool
# rpc_thread_pool_size = 64
# Size of RPC connection pool
# rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
# Seconds to wait for a response from call or multicall
# rpc_response_timeout = 60
# Seconds to wait before a cast expires (TTL). Only supported by impl_zmq.
# rpc_cast_timeout = 30
# Modules of exceptions that are permitted to be recreated
# upon receiving exception data from an rpc call.
# allowed_rpc_exception_modules = neutron.openstack.common.exception,
# AMQP exchange to connect to if using RabbitMQ or QPID
# control_exchange = neutron
control_exchange = neutron

# If passed, use a fake RabbitMQ provider
# fake_rabbit = False

# Configuration options if sending notifications via kombu rpc (these are
# the defaults)
# SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled)
# kombu_ssl_version =
# SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled)
# kombu_ssl_keyfile =
# SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled)
# kombu_ssl_certfile =
# SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled)'
# kombu_ssl_ca_certs =
# IP address of the RabbitMQ installation
# rabbit_host = localhost
rabbit_host =
# Password of the RabbitMQ server
# rabbit_password = guest
rabbit_password = <<removed>>
# Port where RabbitMQ server is running/listening
# rabbit_port = 5672
rabbit_port = 5672
# RabbitMQ single or HA cluster (host:port pairs i.e: host1:5672,
# rabbit_hosts is defaulted to '$rabbit_host:$rabbit_port'
# rabbit_hosts = localhost:5672
rabbit_hosts =
# User ID used for RabbitMQ connections
# rabbit_userid = guest
rabbit_userid = openstack
# Location of a virtual RabbitMQ installation.
# rabbit_virtual_host = /
rabbit_virtual_host = /
# Maximum retries with trying to connect to RabbitMQ
# (the default of 0 implies an infinite retry count)
# rabbit_max_retries = 0
# RabbitMQ connection retry interval
# rabbit_retry_interval = 1
# Use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all).You need to
# wipe RabbitMQ database when changing this option. (boolean value)
# rabbit_ha_queues = false
rabbit_ha_queues = False

# rpc_backend=neutron.openstack.common.rpc.impl_qpid
# Qpid broker hostname
# qpid_hostname = localhost
# Qpid broker port
# qpid_port = 5672
# Qpid single or HA cluster (host:port pairs i.e: host1:5672, host2:5672)
# qpid_hosts is defaulted to '$qpid_hostname:$qpid_port'
# qpid_hosts = localhost:5672
# Username for qpid connection
# qpid_username = ''
# Password for qpid connection
# qpid_password = ''
# Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth
# qpid_sasl_mechanisms = ''
# Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats
# qpid_heartbeat = 60
# Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'
# qpid_protocol = tcp
# Disable Nagle algorithm
# qpid_tcp_nodelay = True

# rpc_backend=neutron.openstack.common.rpc.impl_zmq
# ZeroMQ bind address. Should be a wildcard (*), an ethernet interface, or
# The "host" option should point or resolve to this address.
# rpc_zmq_bind_address = *

# ============ Notification System Options =====================

# Notifications can be sent when network/subnet/port are create, updated or
# There are three methods of sending notifications: logging (via the
# log_file directive), rpc (via a message queue) and
# noop (no notifications sent, the default)

# Notification_driver can be defined multiple times
# Do nothing driver
# notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.no_op_notifier
# Logging driver
# notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.log_notifier
# RPC driver. DHCP agents needs it.
notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier

# default_notification_level is used to form actual topic name(s) or to set
logging level
# default_notification_level = INFO

# default_publisher_id is a part of the notification payload
# host = myhost.com
# default_publisher_id = $host

# Defined in rpc_notifier, can be comma separated values.
# The actual topic names will be %s.%(default_notification_level)s
# notification_topics = notifications

# Default maximum number of items returned in a single response,
# value == infinite and value < 0 means no max limit, and value must
# greater than 0. If the number of items requested is greater than
# pagination_max_limit, server will just return pagination_max_limit
# of number of items.
# pagination_max_limit = -1

# Maximum number of DNS nameservers per subnet
# max_dns_nameservers = 5

# Maximum number of host routes per subnet
# max_subnet_host_routes = 20

# Maximum number of fixed ips per port
# max_fixed_ips_per_port = 5

# =========== items for agent management extension =============
# Seconds to regard the agent as down; should be at least twice
# report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good
# agent_down_time = 9
agent_down_time = 9
# ===========  end of items for agent management extension =====

# =========== items for agent scheduler extension =============
# Driver to use for scheduling network to DHCP agent
# network_scheduler_driver =
# Driver to use for scheduling router to a default L3 agent
# router_scheduler_driver =
router_scheduler_driver =
# Driver to use for scheduling a loadbalancer pool to an lbaas agent
# loadbalancer_pool_scheduler_driver =

# Allow auto scheduling networks to DHCP agent. It will schedule non-hosted
# networks to first DHCP agent which sends get_active_networks message to
# neutron server
# network_auto_schedule = True

# Allow auto scheduling routers to L3 agent. It will schedule non-hosted
# routers to first L3 agent which sends sync_routers message to neutron
# router_auto_schedule = True

# Number of DHCP agents scheduled to host a network. This enables redundant
# DHCP agents for configured networks.
# dhcp_agents_per_network = 1
dhcp_agents_per_network = 1

# ===========  end of items for agent scheduler extension =====

# =========== WSGI parameters related to the API server ==============
# Number of separate worker processes to spawn.  The default, 0, runs the
# worker thread in the current process.  Greater than 0 launches that
number of
# child processes as workers.  The parent process manages them.
# api_workers = 0
api_workers = 0
# Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds to use for each server socket
# starting API server. Not supported on OS X.
# tcp_keepidle = 600

# Number of seconds to keep retrying to listen
# retry_until_window = 30

# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with.
# backlog = 4096

# Enable SSL on the API server
# use_ssl = False

# Certificate file to use when starting API server securely
# ssl_cert_file = /path/to/certfile

# Private key file to use when starting API server securely
# ssl_key_file = /path/to/keyfile

# CA certificate file to use when starting API server securely to
# verify connecting clients. This is an optional parameter only required if
# API clients need to authenticate to the API server using SSL certificates
# signed by a trusted CA
# ssl_ca_file = /path/to/cafile
# ======== end of WSGI parameters related to the API server ==========

# resource name(s) that are supported in quota features
# quota_items = network,subnet,port

# default number of resource allowed per tenant, minus for unlimited
# default_quota = -1

# number of networks allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
# quota_network = 10

# number of subnets allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
# quota_subnet = 10

# number of ports allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
# quota_port = 50

# number of security groups allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
# quota_security_group = 10

# number of security group rules allowed per tenant, and minus means
# quota_security_group_rule = 100

# default driver to use for quota checks
# quota_driver = neutron.db.quota_db.DbQuotaDriver

# Use "sudo neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf" to use the real
# root filter facility.
# Change to "sudo" to skip the filtering and just run the comand directly
root_helper = sudo /usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf

# =========== items for agent management extension =============
# seconds between nodes reporting state to server; should be less than
# agent_down_time, best if it is half or less than agent_down_time
# report_interval = 4

# ===========  end of items for agent management extension =====

auth_host =
auth_port = 35357
auth_protocol = http
admin_tenant_name = services
admin_user = neutron
admin_password = <<removed>>
signing_dir = $state_path/keystone-signing

# This line MUST be changed to actually run the plugin.
# Example:
# connection = mysql://root:pass@
# Replace above with the IP address of the database used by the
# main neutron server. (Leave it as is if the database runs on this host.)
connection = sqlite:////var/lib/neutron/ovs.sqlite

# The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the slave database
# slave_connection =

# Database reconnection retry times - in event connectivity is lost
# set to -1 implies an infinite retry count
# max_retries = 10
max_retries = 10

# Database reconnection interval in seconds - if the initial connection to
# database fails
# retry_interval = 10
retry_interval = 10

# Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
# min_pool_size = 1

# Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
# max_pool_size = 10

# Timeout in seconds before idle sql connections are reaped
# idle_timeout = 3600
idle_timeout = 3600

# If set, use this value for max_overflow with sqlalchemy
# max_overflow = 20

# Verbosity of SQL debugging information. 0=None, 100=Everything
# connection_debug = 0

# Add python stack traces to SQL as comment strings
# connection_trace = False

# If set, use this value for pool_timeout with sqlalchemy
# pool_timeout = 10

# Specify service providers (drivers) for advanced services like
loadbalancer, VPN, Firewall.
# Must be in form:
# service_provider=<service_type>:<name>:<driver>[:default]
# List of allowed service type include LOADBALANCER, FIREWALL, VPN
# Combination of <service type> and <name> must be unique; <driver> must
also be unique
# this is multiline option, example for default provider:
# service_provider=LOADBALANCER:name:lbaas_plugin_driver_path:default
# example of non-default provider:
# service_provider=FIREWALL:name2:firewall_driver_path
# --- Reference implementations ---


root_helper=sudo neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf


# (ListOpt) List of network type driver entrypoints to be loaded from
# the neutron.ml2.type_drivers namespace.
# type_drivers = local,flat,vlan,gre,vxlan
type_drivers = vxlan
# Example: type_drivers = flat,vlan,gre,vxlan

# (ListOpt) Ordered list of network_types to allocate as tenant
# networks. The default value 'local' is useful for single-box testing
# but provides no connectivity between hosts.
# tenant_network_types = local
tenant_network_types = vxlan
# Example: tenant_network_types = vlan,gre,vxlan

# (ListOpt) Ordered list of networking mechanism driver entrypoints
# to be loaded from the neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers namespace.
# mechanism_drivers =
mechanism_drivers =openvswitch,l2population
# Example: mechanism drivers = openvswitch,mlnx
# Example: mechanism_drivers = arista
# Example: mechanism_drivers = cisco,logger
# Example: mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,brocade
# Example: mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge,brocade

# (ListOpt) List of physical_network names with which flat networks
# can be created. Use * to allow flat networks with arbitrary
# physical_network names.
# flat_networks =
# Example:flat_networks = physnet1,physnet2
# Example:flat_networks = *

# (ListOpt) List of <physical_network>[:<vlan_min>:<vlan_max>] tuples
# specifying physical_network names usable for VLAN provider and
# tenant networks, as well as ranges of VLAN tags on each
# physical_network available for allocation as tenant networks.
# network_vlan_ranges =
# Example: network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:2999,physnet2

# (ListOpt) Comma-separated list of <tun_min>:<tun_max> tuples enumerating
ranges of GRE tunnel IDs that are available for tenant network allocation
# tunnel_id_ranges =

# (ListOpt) Comma-separated list of <vni_min>:<vni_max> tuples enumerating
# ranges of VXLAN VNI IDs that are available for tenant network allocation.
# vni_ranges =
vni_ranges =101:1677

# (StrOpt) Multicast group for the VXLAN interface. When configured, will
# enable sending all broadcast traffic to this multicast group. When left
# unconfigured, will disable multicast VXLAN mode.
# vxlan_group =
vxlan_group =
# Example: vxlan_group =



# Show debugging output in log (sets DEBUG log level output)
# debug = False
debug = False

# L3 requires that an interface driver be set. Choose the one that best
# matches your plugin.
# interface_driver =
interface_driver =neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver

# Example of interface_driver option for OVS based plugins (OVS, Ryu, NEC)
# that supports L3 agent
# interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver

# Use veth for an OVS interface or not.
# Support kernels with limited namespace support
# (e.g. RHEL 6.5) so long as ovs_use_veth is set to True.
# ovs_use_veth = False

# Example of interface_driver option for LinuxBridge
# interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver

# Allow overlapping IP (Must have kernel build with CONFIG_NET_NS=y and
# iproute2 package that supports namespaces).
# use_namespaces = True
use_namespaces = True

# If use_namespaces is set as False then the agent can only configure one

# This is done by setting the specific router_id.
# router_id =

# Each L3 agent can be associated with at most one external network.  This
# value should be set to the UUID of that external network.  If empty,
# the agent will enforce that only a single external networks exists and
# use that external network id
# gateway_external_network_id =

# Indicates that this L3 agent should also handle routers that do not have
# an external network gateway configured.  This option should be True only
# for a single agent in a Neutron deployment, and may be False for all
# if all routers must have an external network gateway
# handle_internal_only_routers = True
handle_internal_only_routers = True

# Name of bridge used for external network traffic. This should be set to
# empty value for the linux bridge
# external_network_bridge = br-ex
external_network_bridge = br-ex

# TCP Port used by Neutron metadata server
# metadata_port = 9697
metadata_port = 9697

# Send this many gratuitous ARPs for HA setup. Set it below or equal to 0
# to disable this feature.
# send_arp_for_ha = 3
send_arp_for_ha = 3

# seconds between re-sync routers' data if needed
# periodic_interval = 40
periodic_interval = 40

# seconds to start to sync routers' data after
# starting agent
# periodic_fuzzy_delay = 5
periodic_fuzzy_delay = 5

# enable_metadata_proxy, which is true by default, can be set to False
# if the Nova metadata server is not available
# enable_metadata_proxy = True
enable_metadata_proxy = True

# Location of Metadata Proxy UNIX domain socket
# metadata_proxy_socket = $state_path/metadata_proxy

2014-03-27 22:32 GMT+01:00 Sławek Kapłoński <slawek at kaplonski.pl>:

> Hello,
> I think that You should check what mechanism drivers have You got setup in
> ml2
> config file and also check is OVS agent on compute host working correctly.
> --
> Best regards
> Sławek Kapłoński
> Dnia czwartek, 27 marca 2014 21:09:19 Tom Verdaat pisze:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've been trying to get a multi-host openstack havana deployment to work
> on
> > Ubuntu 13.10 with neutron using the ML2 plugin, OVS agent and VXLAN for
> > tenant networks. Created networks, subnets and routers inside neutron and
> > accodring to neutron they are all active and up. All ports however are
> > DOWN when created with the error "binding:vif_type=binding_failed".
> >
> > Haven't been able to find useful stuff on this issue or the vif_type
> > parameter in general online so far. Can anyone tell me what this error is
> > about and how I can fix this? What might I have done wrong? Where do I
> > start?
> >
> > Thanks a lot!
> >
> > Tom
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