[Openstack] Community Office Hours dedicated to Ask OpenStack

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Mon Jun 30 18:51:36 UTC 2014

Hello folks

There are a lot more users of Ask OpenStack and I think we could use a
refresh of the wiki page "resources for moderators"[1].

On July 11th during Community Office Hours I'll be available to explain
how to better use Ask OpenStack, both for people who ask questions and
for responders. I'll give some simple guidelines for what makes a good
question and what makes a good answer, how to better tag questions and
when to remove comments. I'll also provide guidelines for people with
karma higher than 100 to fix both questions and answer when needed.

There will be also time for questions and comments from the audience.

We'll use Google Hangout so we'll have a recording available on
OpenStack YouTube channel.

Event details on OpenStack G+ page:


[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Community/AskModerators

Ask and answer questions on https://ask.openstack.org

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