[Openstack] New service for OpenStack dev/test

Geert Jansen geert.jansen at ravellosystems.com
Thu Jun 12 14:19:01 UTC 2014


we are Ravello Systems, a company that operates an overlay cloud
solution. Some of you may have heard about us. The company is run by
the same group of people who have developed the KVM hypervisor.

Recently we've been putting a lot of effort in making it easy to
create dev and test instances of OpenStack. We are now ready to
announce a beta version of the result. Since code speaks more than
words, here's a command-line fragment that creates a new
infrastructure/undercloud to run OpenStack:

  ravello-create-nodes --flavor ubuntu --memory 4096 --cpus 2 --svm \
              --network --default-user stack --public-ip \
              --service http --keypair mykey --cloud AMAZON 4

This will create a 4 node environment in Amazon EC2 that has two very
cool features relevant to OpenStack:

 * The VMs support nested VT (actually SVM). This means you can run
   KVM on them, and with that run nested guests at near native speed.
 * The VMs are connected by an L2-clean overlay network. This means
   you can do VLANs, VXLAN, etc.

On top of this you can install any OpenStack configuration you want.
I've done a DevStack install in the blog below:


If you have feedback or questions, please let us know. We're looking
forward to work with the OpenStack community.


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