[Openstack] Heat stack instance health checks
jiangyaoguo at huawei.com
Tue Jun 10 02:36:50 UTC 2014
Maybe you can see the information of HARestarter.
发件人: Aaron Knister [mailto:aaron.knister at gmail.com]
发送时间: 2014年6月9日 23:15
收件人: <openstack at lists.openstack.org>
主题: [Openstack] Heat stack instance health checks
Hi Everyone,
I instantiated a stack within Heat that contains a simple launch configuration and autoscaling group (template listed below). The stack came up and the instance started, however when I killed the instance (nova delete XXX) it wasn't restarted...on AWS if a CloudFormation instance gets killed it seems to be restarted. This is without me defining any health monitors. How can I achieve the same behavior with OpenStack?
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09",
"Resources" : {
"SimpleConfig": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration",
"Properties": {
"ImageId": "804b7e07-7e15-4c45-93d5-6bed194c484a",
"SecurityGroups": [ "PantsDown" ],
"InstanceType": "m1.small"
"MyServerGroup": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup",
"Properties": {
"VPCZoneIdentifier" : ["2b8be0fa-330d-4ba5-86f7-76b9e71c6a72"],
"AvailabilityZones" : ["nova"],
"DesiredCapacity" : 1,
"LaunchConfigurationName": {
"Ref": "SimpleConfig"
"MinSize": "1",
"MaxSize": "3"
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