[Openstack] Compute Node Local Storage: allow metadata preallocation when creating qcow2 images

Martinx - ジェームズ thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 01:04:36 UTC 2014

When I said "which is slower", I meant that it makes that running Instance
slower later... With preallocatoin=metadata, the running instances will be
a bit faster without losing storage space with lots of zeros...

My /var/lib/nova/insntances subdir in a XFS File System on top of a
hardware RAID...

On 11 July 2014 20:54, Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Guys,
>  How can I configure the Compute Node, to create its qcow2 images, using
> preallocation?
>  Currently, OpenStack Nova Compute creates the instance image, using
> "qemu-img create" without passing the option "-o preallocation=metadata" to
> it, which is slower.
>  So, how can I reconfigure nova compute to make use of preallocation?!
>  Libvirt supports it, commits:
> http://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt.git;a=commit;h=1c9a2fb1aef1729ac86cd6648b5c2b7584f5f698
> http://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt.git;a=commit;h=790dfee5eaf8600282da5a3d61bf807516f1b87e
> Tks!
> Thiago
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