[Openstack] Unable to delete instances

Jens-Christian Fischer jens-christian.fischer at switch.ch
Fri Jul 11 13:40:48 UTC 2014

There is just one queue that is building up: notifications.info - there are no consumers for it.

I have upped the ulimit for the rabbitmq server (by changing /etc/default/rabbitmq-server) but that hasn’t made any difference.

Are you also upping the limits on the compute nodes? 


Jens-Christian Fischer, Peta Solutions
Werdstrasse 2, P.O. Box, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland
phone +41 44 268 15 15, direct +41 44 268 15 71
jens-christian.fischer at switch.ch


On 11.07.2014, at 12:50, Brebner, Gavin <gavin.brebner at hp.com> wrote:

> Delete issues in my experience are typically linked to messaging getting stuck (or dead hosts). I would have a look at the
> RMQ queue lengths and see if any are building up.
> Have you adjusted your open file descriptor limits ? The default Linux limit (1024) is NOT enough in our experience for any reasonable
> sized system. We’ve seen that cause messaging outages.
>                 Gavin
> From: Jens-Christian Fischer [mailto:jens-christian.fischer at switch.ch] 
> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 12:32 PM
> To: Thomas Bernard
> Cc: openstack at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [Openstack] Unable to delete instances
> Did you ever come to the bottom of this?
> We are seeing the same thing with a brand new Icehouse / Ceph installation (using the stock distributions)
> Restarting nova-compute on the compute nodes usually makes the instances go away (or resetting the state, and then restarting nova-compute)
> We see this problem intermittent but frequent enough to be really annoying.
> The log files have so far not shown anything conclusive: I got an “Unknown auth strategy” error, but according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-neutronclient/+bug/1297309 this is a red herring.
> Anyone else running into this problem or having solved it?
> cheers
> Jens-Christian
> -- 
> Jens-Christian Fischer, Peta Solutions
> Werdstrasse 2, P.O. Box, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland
> phone +41 44 268 15 15, direct +41 44 268 15 71
> jens-christian.fischer at switch.ch
> http://www.switch.ch
> http://www.switch.ch/stories
> On 22.05.2014, at 16:19, Thomas Bernard <tbe at atolcd.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just finished my upgrade to icehouse, everything works just fine but... i can't delete my instances!
> When i delete instance (from cli or from horizon) : 
> * The VM goes to "deleting"state
> * Vm are destroy from KVM
> * But nova list & horizon continue to display the "deleting" state
> Some time after, the Vm state goes to "ERROR" and in nova-compute.log i can see : "Unauthorized: Unknown auth strategy\n" (from neutronclient)
> Any idea?
> Thx!
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