[Openstack] [Heat/Ceilometer/Havana]: Auto scaling no longer occurring after some time

Juha Tynninen juha.tynninen at tieto.com
Mon Feb 24 08:27:08 UTC 2014


I'm having some problems concerning auto scaling feature.
Any ideas?

First scaling up and down is working just fine. But then when tested later
on scaling down/up is no longer working properly.
Scaling down may occur even it shouldn't or scaling up doesn't occur even
it should. When in this situation I remove all the
received metric data from the DB, auto scaling starts to work again.

Ceilometer is configured to use Mongo and the auto scaling is based on the
cpu_util metrics.

Related configurations:
/etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml on compute nodes:

name: cpu_pipeline
interval: 15

/etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf on controller:

Heat template used:
   "Resources" : {

        "Group_A" : {
            "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup",
            "Properties" : {
                "AvailabilityZones" : { "Fn::GetAZs" : ""},
                "LaunchConfigurationName" : { "Ref" : "Group_A_Config" },
                "MinSize" : "1",
                "MaxSize" : "3",
                "Tags" : [
                  { "Key" : "metering.server_group", "Value" : "Group_A" },
                  { "Key" : "custom_metadata", "Value" : "test" }
                "VPCZoneIdentifier" : [ { "Ref" : "PrivateSubnetId" } ]

        "Group_A_Config" : {
            "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration",
            "Properties": {
                "ImageId" : { "Ref" : "ImageId" },
                "InstanceType" : { "Ref" : "InstanceType" },
                "KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" }

        "ScaleUpPolicy" : {
            "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy",
            "Properties" : {
                "AdjustmentType" : "ChangeInCapacity",
                "AutoScalingGroupName" : { "Ref" : "Group_A" },
                "Cooldown" : "20",
                "ScalingAdjustment" : "1"

        "ScaleDownPolicy" : {
            "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy",
            "Properties" : {
                "AdjustmentType" : "ChangeInCapacity",
                "AutoScalingGroupName" : { "Ref" : "Group_A" },
                "Cooldown" : "20",
                "ScalingAdjustment" : "-1"

"CPUAlarmHigh": {
            "Type": "OS::Ceilometer::Alarm",
            "Properties": {
                "description": "Scale-up if CPU is greater than 90% for 20
                "meter_name": "cpu_util",
                "statistic": "avg",
                "period": "20",
                "evaluation_periods": "1",
                "threshold": "90",
                    [ {"Fn::GetAtt": ["ScaleUpPolicy", "AlarmUrl"]} ],
                    {"metadata.user_metadata.server_group": "Group_A" },
                "comparison_operator": "gt"

        "CPUAlarmLow": {
            "Type": "OS::Ceilometer::Alarm",
            "Properties": {
                "description": "Scale-down if CPU is less than 50% for 20
                "meter_name": "cpu_util",
                "statistic": "avg",
                "period": "20",
                "evaluation_periods": "1",
                "threshold": "50",
                    [ {"Fn::GetAtt": ["ScaleDownPolicy", "AlarmUrl"]} ],
                    {"metadata.user_metadata.server_group": "Group_A" },
                "comparison_operator": "lt"

In ceilometer logs I can see the following kind of warnings:

<44>Feb 24 08:41:08 node-16
ceilometer-ceilometer.collector.dispatcher.database WARNING: message
signature invalid, discarding message: {u'counter_name':
u'instance.scheduled', u'user_id': None, u'message_signature':
u'timestamp': u'2014-02-24 08:41:08.334580', u'resource_id':
u'48c815ab-01c9-4ac8-9096-ac171976598c', u'message_id':
u'67e611e4-9d2f-11e3-81f1-080027e519cb', u'source': u'openstack',
u'counter_unit': u'instance', u'counter_volume': 1, u'project_id':
u'efcca4ba425c4beda73eb31a54df931a', u'resource_metadata': {u'instance_id':
u'48c815ab-01c9-4ac8-9096-ac171976598c', u'weighted_host': {u'host':
u'node-18', u'weight': 3818.0}, u'host': u'scheduler.node-16',
u'request_spec': {u'num_instances': 1, u'block_device_mapping':
[{u'instance_uuid': u'48c815ab-01c9-4ac8-9096-ac171976598c',
u'guest_format': None, u'boot_index': 0, u'delete_on_termination': True,
u'no_device': None, u'connection_info': None, u'volume_id': None,
u'device_name': None, u'disk_bus': None, u'image_id':
u'11848cbf-a428-4dfb-8818-2f0a981f540b', u'source_type': u'image',
u'device_type': u'disk', u'snapshot_id': None, u'destination_type':
u'local', u'volume_size': None}], u'image': {u'status': u'active', u'name':
u'cirrosImg', u'deleted': False, u'container_format': u'bare',
u'created_at': u'2014-02-12T08:46:04.000000', u'disk_format': u'qcow2',
u'updated_at': u'2014-02-12T08:46:04.000000', u'properties': {},
u'min_disk': 0, u'min_ram': 0, u'checksum':
u'50bdc35edb03a38d91b1b071afb20a3c', u'owner':
u'efcca4ba425c4beda73eb31a54df931a', u'is_public': True, u'deleted_at':
None, u'id': u'11848cbf-a428-4dfb-8818-2f0a981f540b', u'size': 9761280},
u'instance_type': {u'root_gb': 1, u'name': u'm1.tiny', u'ephemeral_gb': 0,
u'memory_mb': 512, u'vcpus': 1, u'extra_specs': {}, u'swap': 0,
u'rxtx_factor': 1.0, u'flavorid': u'1', u'vcpu_weight': None, u'id': 2},
u'instance_properties': {u'vm_state': u'building', u'availability_zone':
None, u'terminated_at': None, u'ephemeral_gb': 0, u'instance_type_id': 2,
u'user_data':  u'Q29udGVudC1UeXBlOiBtdWx0aXBhcnQvbWl4ZWQ7IGJvdW5kYXJ5PSI9PT0
, u'cleaned': False, u'vm_mode': None, u'deleted_at': None,
u'reservation_id': u'r-l91mh33v', u'id': 274, u'security_groups':
{u'objects': []}, u'disable_terminate': False, u'root_device_name': None,
u'display_name': u'tyky-Group_A-55cklit7nvbq-Group_A-2-yis32na5m7ey',
u'uuid': u'48c815ab-01c9-4ac8-9096-ac171976598c', u'default_swap_device':
None, u'info_cache': {u'instance_uuid':
u'48c815ab-01c9-4ac8-9096-ac171976598c', u'network_info': []}, u'hostname':
u'tyky-group-a-55cklit7nvbq-group-a-2-yis32na5m7ey', u'launched_on': None,
u'tyky-Group_A-55cklit7nvbq-Group_A-2-yis32na5m7ey', u'key_data': u'ssh-rsa
Generated by Nova\n', u'deleted': False, u'config_drive': u'',
u'power_state': 0, u'default_ephemeral_device': None, u'progress': 0,
u'project_id': u'efcca4ba425c4beda73eb31a54df931a', u'launched_at': None,
u'scheduled_at': None, u'node': None, u'ramdisk_id': u'', u'access_ip_v6':
None, u'access_ip_v4': None, u'kernel_id': u'', u'key_name': u'heat_key',
u'updated_at': None, u'host': None, u'user_id':
u'ef4e983291ef4ad1b88eb1f776bd52b6', u'system_metadata':
{u'instance_type_memory_mb': 512, u'instance_type_swap': 0,
u'instance_type_vcpu_weight': None, u'instance_type_root_gb': 1,
u'instance_type_name': u'm1.tiny', u'instance_type_id': 2,
u'instance_type_ephemeral_gb': 0, u'instance_type_rxtx_factor': 1.0,
u'image_disk_format': u'qcow2', u'instance_type_flavorid': u'1',
u'instance_type_vcpus': 1, u'image_container_format': u'bare',
u'image_min_ram': 0, u'image_min_disk': 1, u'image_base_image_ref':
u'11848cbf-a428-4dfb-8818-2f0a981f540b'}, u'task_state': u'scheduling',
u'shutdown_terminate': False, u'cell_name': None, u'root_gb': 1, u'locked':
False, u'name': u'instance-00000112', u'created_at':
u'2014-02-24T08:41:08.257534', u'locked_by': None, u'launch_index': 0,
u'memory_mb': 512, u'vcpus': 1, u'image_ref':
u'11848cbf-a428-4dfb-8818-2f0a981f540b', u'architecture': None,
u'auto_disk_config': False, u'os_type': None, u'metadata':
{u'metering.server_group': u'Group_A', u'AutoScalingGroupName':
u'tyky-Group_A-55cklit7nvbq', u'custom_metadata': u'test'}},
u'security_group': [u'default'], u'instance_uuids':
[u'48c815ab-01c9-4ac8-9096-ac171976598c']}, u'event_type':
u'scheduler.run_instance.scheduled'}, u'counter_type': u'delta'}

Also the following warnings/errors can be seen but they seem to occur when
auto scaling is properly working and have no negative effects as such:

<44>Feb 24 08:43:08 node-16
<U+FEFF>ceilometer-ceilometer.transformer.conversions WARNING: dropping
sample with no predecessor: <ceilometer.sample.Sample object at 0x3774fd0>
<44>Feb 24 08:43:08 node-16 ceilometer-ceilometer.publisher.rpc AUDIT:
Publishing 1 samples on metering
<44>Feb 24 08:43:08 node-16 ceilometer-ceilometer.publisher.rpc AUDIT:
Publishing 1 samples on metering
<44>Feb 24 08:43:08 node-16 ceilometer-ceilometer.publisher.rpc AUDIT:
Publishing 1 samples on metering
<44>Feb 24 08:43:08 node-16 ceilometer-ceilometer.publisher.rpc AUDIT:
Publishing 1 samples on metering
<44>Feb 24 08:43:08 node-16 ceilometer-ceilometer.publisher.rpc AUDIT:
Publishing 1 samples on metering
<44>Feb 24 08:43:08 node-16 ceilometer-ceilometer.publisher.rpc AUDIT:
Publishing 1 samples on metering
<44>Feb 24 08:43:09 node-16 ceilometer-ceilometer.publisher.rpc AUDIT:
Publishing 1 samples on metering
<43>Feb 24 08:43:09 node-16
ceilometer-ceilometer.collector.dispatcher.database ERROR: Failed to record
metering data: not okForStor
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 65, in record_metering_data
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ceilometer/storage/impl_mongodb.py", line
417, in record_metering_data
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymongo/collection.py", line 487,
in update
    check_keys, self.__uuid_subtype), safe)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymongo/mongo_client.py", line
969, in _send_message
    rv = self.__check_response_to_last_error(response)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymongo/mongo_client.py", line
911, in __check_response_to_last_error
    raise OperationFailure(details["err"], details["code"])
OperationFailure: not okForStorage

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