[Openstack] [Heat/Havana]: Long delay before VM instance starts to ping...

Juha Tynninen juha.tynninen at tieto.com
Mon Feb 3 13:11:55 UTC 2014


I'm using the following unmodified image:

I set static ip address for the VM instance via Heat template and user-data:

 "Resources" : {

  "DemoInstance" : {
   "Type" : "OS::Nova::Server",
   "Properties" : {
     "key_name" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" },
     "flavor": { "Ref" : "Flavor" },
     "image": { "Ref": "ImageName"},
     "networks": [
        { "uuid": { "Ref" : "PrivateNetworkId" } },
        { "uuid": { "Ref" : "PublicNetworkId" }, "fixed_ip": { "Ref" :
"StaticIp" } } ],
     "user_data" : {
        "Fn::Base64": {
           "Fn::Join": [
                 "#!/bin/bash \n",
                 "export ETH1_CFG=/etc/network/interfaces.d/eth1.cfg\n",
                 "rm $ETH1_CFG\n",
                 "touch $ETH1_CFG\n",
                 "echo auto eth1 >> $ETH1_CFG\n",
                 "echo iface eth1 inet static >> $ETH1_CFG\n",
                 "echo address ", { "Ref": "StaticIp" }, " >> $ETH1_CFG\n",
                 "echo netmask >> $ETH1_CFG\n",
                 "ifdown eth1\n",
                 "ifup eth1\n"

The static ip is given from public network range (192.168.100.xxx).
As such everything is working fine, the VM starts and after a while I can
ping it and log in to it with ssh.

But it can take quite a long time before ping and ssh starts to work.
Normally 4-7 minutes.
Any ideas what could be a reason why it takes so long...? What to check?

Many thanks,
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