[Openstack] openstack swift object put request

pragya jain prag_2648 at yahoo.co.in
Sat Feb 1 12:02:21 UTC 2014

hi all,

somebody help me to understand the following lines of code of ObjectController.PUT() in swift.proxy.controllers.obj.py

def PUT(self, req):
        """HTTP PUT request handler."""
# do a HEAD request for container sync and checking object versions

if 'x-timestamp' in req.headers or \
                (object_versions and not
            hreq = Request.blank(req.path_info, headers={'X-Newest': 'True'},
                                 environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'HEAD'})
            hresp = self.GETorHEAD_base(
                hreq, _('Object'), self.app.object_ring, partition,

in the following lines of code, self.GETorHEAD_base() create an HTTPConnection to object server for a HEAD request which is defined in ObjectController.HEAD() of swift.obj.server.py

But we are in process of putting object, object is not written till yet on the node, then what will it return to hresp?

Pragya Jain
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