[Openstack] Public IPs without NAT

Matej matej at tam.si
Wed Apr 23 16:29:36 UTC 2014


To hopefully move into the right way (first phase with using flat
network with private IPs and then moving further to public IPs), I
have removed all previous routers and networks,
my plan now is to use only hardware router (IP and
having a flat network type.

I have added the following two lines to
/etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini on Controller and

network_vlan_ranges = physnet1
bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-int

My current ovs_neutron_plugin.ini on Controller:

tenant_network_type = gre
tunnel_id_ranges = 1:1000
enable_tunneling = True
local_ip =
integration_bridge = br-int
tunnel_bridge = br-tun
network_vlan_ranges = physnet1
bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-int

polling_interval = 2

firewall_driver =

My current ovs_neutron_plugin.ini on Compute:

tenant_network_type = gre
tunnel_id_ranges = 1:1000
enable_tunneling = True
local_ip =
tunnel_bridge = br-tun
integration_bridge = br-int
tunnel_types = gre
network_vlan_ranges = physnet1
bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-int

polling_interval = 2

firewall_driver =

My first goal is to get VMs having IP addresses from the subnet, namely from the pool

Now I am able to create a net:
| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | True                                 |
| id                        | 43796de1-ea43-4cbe-809a-0554ed4de55f |
| name                      | privat                               |
| provider:network_type     | flat                                 |
| provider:physical_network | physnet1                             |
| provider:segmentation_id  |                                      |
| router:external           | False                                |
| shared                    | True                                 |
| status                    | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                   | db596734-3f9a-4699-abe5-7887a2a15b88 |
| tenant_id                 | a0edd2a531bb41e6b17e0fd644bfd494     |

And a subnet:

| Field            | Value                                                   |
| allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""}    |
| cidr             |                                         |
| dns_nameservers  |                                                         |
| enable_dhcp      | False                                                   |
| gateway_ip       |                                                         |
| host_routes      | {"destination": "", "nexthop": ""} |
| id               | db596734-3f9a-4699-abe5-7887a2a15b88                    |
| ip_version       | 4                                                       |
| name             | privat-subnet                                           |
| network_id       | 43796de1-ea43-4cbe-809a-0554ed4de55f                    |
| tenant_id        | a0edd2a531bb41e6b17e0fd644bfd494                        |

I am not using DHCP and then I start CirrOS instance
| ID                                   | Name | Status | Task State |
Power State | Networks              |
| 10925a36-fbcb-4348-b569-a3fcd5b242a2 | c1   | ACTIVE | -          |
Running     | privat= |

Then I log-in to the CirrOS instance via Console and set IP sudo ifconfig eth0 inet netmask, but no traffic goes thru.

I have also tried to update network router:external to True, but with
no success.

What am I doing wrong here? I am in the phase of building a new
infrastructure and can *afford* changes, but after spending so much
time around those networking issues I really hope that I will be able
to move further on.

Thank you for all the ideas in advance.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Robert van Leeuwen <
Robert.vanLeeuwen at spilgames.com> wrote:

> > neutron net-create public --tenant_id a0edd2a531bb41e6b17e0fd644bfd494
>  --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network default --shared
> True
> > Invalid input for provider:physical_network. Reason: '[u'default',
> u'True']' is not a valid string.
> >
> > For being able to use --provider:physical_network I need bridge_mappings
> in configuration, right? When I add it, my existing GRE network stops
> working.
> > It seems I am lost here ...
> You should be able to run bridge-mapped networks and GRE tunnels at the
> same time.
> Adding the bridge map config should not break GRE. (always do this in a
> test setup first ;)
> We used to do this up to Folsom (maybe even grizzly, do not remember exact
> timelines)
> We moved to a full VLAN setup later on because GRE was adding complexity
> without any real benefits.
> (Since we do not expect to have thousands of networks we do not expect to
> run out of VLANs)
> Cheers,
> Robert van Leeuwen
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