[Openstack] Fw: problem in understanding interaction between swift proxy and other servers through swift source code
pragya jain
prag_2648 at yahoo.co.in
Fri Sep 27 08:11:29 UTC 2013
But, Sir, At which line of code in the func
def _make_request(self, nodes, part, method, path, headers, query, logger_thread_locals):
flow of control move to the AccoountController class defined in swift/account/server.py (for example)
def _make_request(self, nodes, part, method, path, headers, query,
Sends an HTTP request to a single node and aggregates the result.
It attempts the primary node, then iterates over the handoff nodes
as needed.
:param nodes: an iterator of the backend server and handoff servers
:param part: the partition number
:param method: the method to send to the backend
:param path: the path to send to the backend
:param headers: a list of dicts, where each dict represents one
backend request that should be made.
:param query: query string to send to the backend.
:param logger_thread_locals: The thread local values to be set on the
self.app.logger to retain transaction
logging information.
:returns: a swob.Response object
self.app.logger.thread_locals = logger_thread_locals
for node in nodes:
start_node_timing = time.time()
with ConnectionTimeout(self.app.conn_timeout):
conn = http_connect(node['ip'], node['port'],
node['device'], part, method, path,
headers=headers, query_string=query)
conn.node = node
self.app.set_node_timing(node, time.time() - start_node_timing)
with Timeout(self.app.node_timeout):
resp = conn.getresponse()
if not is_informational(resp.status) and \
not is_server_error(resp.status):
return resp.status, resp.reason, resp.getheaders(), \
elif resp.status == HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE:
self.error_limit(node, _('ERROR Insufficient Storage'))
except (Exception, Timeout):
self.exception_occurred(node, self.server_type,
_('Trying to %(method)s%(path)s') %
{'method': method, 'path': path})
Thank you very much
Pragya Jain
> From: Hua ZZ Zhang <zhuadl at cn.ibm.com>
>To: pragya jain <prag_2648 at yahoo.co.in>
>Cc: "openstack at lists.openstack.org" <openstack at lists.openstack.org>
>Sent: Friday, 27 September 2013 1:12 PM
>Subject: Re: [Openstack] Fw: problem in understanding interaction between swift proxy and other servers through swift source code
>in swift/proxy/controllers/base.py
>def make_requests(self, req, ring, part, method, path, headers,
> query_string=''):
>def _make_request(self, nodes, part, method, path, headers, query,
> logger_thread_locals):
>pragya jain ---2013-09-27 下午 02:55:44---pragya jain <prag_2648 at yahoo.co.in>
>Thanks Zhang for the reply.
>but my question is:
>According to swift source code,
>through which function call, the proxy server interact with account server, i.e., flow of control go from proxy server code to account server code?
>Thanks again
>Pragya Jain
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