[Openstack] what is the default timeout of the session the python nova client instance set up with the compute endpoint?

openstack learner openstackleaner at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 20:05:25 UTC 2013

Hi guys,

I am using the python-novaclient api and creating a nova client using
"client = Client(USERNAME, PASSWORD, PROJECT_ID, AUTH_URL)"   My question
is: what is the default timeout of the session the nova client instance set
up with the compute endpoint?

>From the man page of the novaclient.v1_1.client, I can see there is a
"timeout=None" parameter in the __init__ method of the Client Object.
Anyone know what is the this timeout setting for?

>>> help (novaclient.v1_1.client)

    class Client(__builtin__.object)
     |  Top-level object to access the OpenStack Compute API.
     |  Create an instance with your creds::
     |      >>> client = Client(USERNAME, PASSWORD, PROJECT_ID, AUTH_URL)
     |  Then call methods on its managers::
     |      >>> client.servers.list()
     |      ...
     |      >>> client.flavors.list()
     |      ...
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, username, api_key, project_id, auth_url=None,
insecure=False, timeout=None, proxy_tenant_id=None, proxy_token=None,
region_name=None, endpoint_type='publicURL', extensions=None,
service_type='compute', service_name=None, volume_service_name=None,
timings=False, bypass_url=None, os_cache=False, no_cache=True,
http_log_debug=False, auth_system='keystone', auth_plugin=None,
cacert=None, tenant_id=None)
     |      # FIXME(jesse): project_id isn't required to authenticate

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