[Openstack] Instances' hostname in OpenStack

Marco CONSONNI mcocmo62 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 09:01:34 UTC 2013

Hello folks,

I'm writing for having some information about the hostname management in

I looked into AWS and, if I understood correctly, it implements two types
of hostnames: external and internal.

External hostnames are associated to public IP (floating IP in OpenStack
parlance) while internal hostnames are associated to private IP. AWS can't
resolve the internal hostname outside the network that the instance is in:

- private IP --> internal hostname (resolved at virtual private network,
- public IP --> external hostname (resolved at Internet level).

These are two questions that come to mind:

1) Did I understand correctly? I read the documentation here (
but I really want to make sure I understood.

2) Does OpenStack support these two fuetures?

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