[Openstack] [Swift] File Upload Problems after Upgrade

Samuel Merritt sam at swiftstack.com
Fri Mar 8 19:47:58 UTC 2013

On 3/8/13 4:31 AM, Heiko Krämer wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I've upgraded my  swift setup (2 Storage Nodes and 2 Proxy Nodes) from
> 1.4.6 to 1.7.6. It was upgraded without errors and i've followed this
> guides:
> https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg16188.html
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReleaseNotes/Folsom#OpenStack_Object_Storage_.28Swift.29
> But since this time i can't upload any bigger files. I mean smaller as
> 10MB :(
> I got every time
> <head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></h

I don't think that error is coming from your Swift proxy. Swift's 413 
response has content-type text/plain and body "Your request is too 
large." I think that your nginx is misconfigured. Try turning off nginx 
and testing without SSL termination.

> [...]
> and i'm using a nginx proxy in front of swift proxy for SSL handlings with
>      client_max_body_size 10000M;

With Swift, you almost certainly don't want to use nginx for SSL 
termination; you want to use something like pound instead.

Nginx has the nasty habit of buffering uploads to a temporary directory 
before passing them on to the backend server, while pound streams 
uploads. I haven't found a way to turn it off.

So, imagine a Swift cluster with pound for SSL termination, and a client 
performing a PUT request to an object. As the client streams data to 
pound, pound sends it to the proxy, the proxy sends it along to the 
object servers, and they write the chunks to disk. If the upload rate is 
roughly constant, then the load imposed on the cluster is also roughly 

Now, imagine a Swift cluster with nginx for SSL termination. As the 
client streams data to nginx, nginx spools it to a temporary file. No 
data is being sent to the proxy. Once the client finishes sending the 
data, nginx opens a connection to the proxy and crams data into it as 
fast as possible. This results in a big load spike right at the end.

Further, with nginx's upload spooling, the client sees a big delay 
between sending the last byte of the request and when the server 
finishes sending the response, as that's when all the work happens in 
the cluster. Given sufficiently-large files, this may result in clients 
timing out.

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