[Openstack] multiple public ip

Vishvananda Ishaya vishvananda at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 03:37:18 UTC 2013

On Jan 30, 2013, at 11:35 AM, Umar Draz <unix.co at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Caitlin,
> I need multiple ip address for my Haproxy server.
> Here is my senario
> I have already running Haproxy Server virtual machine for web load balancing on vSphare with 45 public ip address. We are running 45 diffrent websites and we required diffrent ips for each webiste.
> We have 6 webservers with only local ip address. These 6 webservers holding all 45 websites. Haproxy just forward the request to local webservers accorindg to DNS.

You can associate multiple floating ips to a single instance. Floating ips just create natting entries. Keep in mind that traffic that originates from the server will only come from one of these ips.  Also there is no way for the server to determine which ip address the traffic came in on so you will need to do the forwarding at the HTTP layer which has access to the domain name used for the request.


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