[Openstack] Glance image upload Keystone error

Trinath Somanchi trinath.somanchi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 11:08:16 UTC 2013

Hi all -

I found this...

When I comment the delay_auth_decision = true option in
glance-api-paste.ini file, and restart the glance service, I get this error.

2013-01-24 16:29:35.302 7799 ERROR keystone.middleware.auth_token [-] HTTP
connection exception: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
2013-01-24 16:29:35.303 7799 CRITICAL keystone.middleware.auth_token [-]
Unable to obtain admin token: Unable to communicate with keystone

When I uncomment the delay_auth_decision = true option in
glance-api-paste.ini file, and restart the glance service, I get this error.

2013-01-24 16:38:20.926 7893 INFO keystone.middleware.auth_token [-]
Starting keystone auth_token middleware
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 CRITICAL glance [-] invalid literal for int()
with base 10: 'true'
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance Traceback (most recent call last):
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
"/usr/local/bin/glance-api", line 5, in <module>
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance
pkg_resources.run_script('glance==0.0.0', 'glance-api')
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
"build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pkg_resources.py", line 505, in run_script
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance
self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
"build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pkg_resources.py", line 1245, in run_script
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance     execfile(script_filename,
namespace, namespace)
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
line 60, in <module>
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance
server.start(config.load_paste_app(), default_port=9292)
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
line 193, in load_paste_app
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance     app =
deploy.loadapp("config:%s" % conf_file, name=app_name)
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line 247, in
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance     return loadobj(APP, uri,
name=name, **kw)
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line 272, in
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance     return context.create()
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line 710, in
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance     return
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line 207, in
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance     app = filter(app)
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/middleware/auth_token.py", line
524, in auth_filter
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance     return AuthProtocol(app, conf)
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance   File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/middleware/auth_token.py", line
123, in __init__
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance     self.delay_auth_decision =
int(conf.get('delay_auth_decision', 0))
2013-01-24 16:38:20.928 7893 TRACE glance ValueError: invalid literal for
int() with base 10: 'true'

Can any one help me on resolving this issue.

Thanks in advance


On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 4:23 PM, Trinath Somanchi <
trinath.somanchi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Stakers-
> I have resolved the above problem some how re-installing with aptget
> But now I get the glance with keystone problem.
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.794 4775 INFO keystone.middleware.auth_token [-]
> Starting keystone auth_token middleware
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 CRITICAL glance [-] invalid literal for int()
> with base 10: 'true'
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance Traceback (most recent call
> last):
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "/usr/local/bin/glance-api", line 5, in <module>
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance
> pkg_resources.run_script('glance==0.0.0', 'glance-api')
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pkg_resources.py", line 505, in run_script
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance
> self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pkg_resources.py", line 1245, in run_script
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance     execfile(script_filename,
> namespace, namespace)
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/glance-0.0.0-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/glance-api",
> line 60, in <module>
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance
> server.start(config.load_paste_app(), default_port=9292)
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/glance-0.0.0-py2.7.egg/glance/common/config.py",
> line 193, in load_paste_app
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance     app =
> deploy.loadapp("config:%s" % conf_file, name=app_name)
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line 247, in
> loadapp
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance     return loadobj(APP, uri,
> name=name, **kw)
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line 272, in
> loadobj
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance     return context.create()
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line 710, in
> create
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance     return
> self.object_type.invoke(self)
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line 207, in
> invoke
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance     app = filter(app)
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/middleware/auth_token.py", line
> 524, in auth_filter
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance     return AuthProtocol(app,
> conf)
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/middleware/auth_token.py", line
> 123, in __init__
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance     self.delay_auth_decision =
> int(conf.get('delay_auth_decision', 0))
> 2013-01-24 16:25:02.795 4775 TRACE glance ValueError: invalid literal for
> int() with base 10: 'true'
> Kindly help me troubleshoot the issue
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Trinath Somanchi <
> trinath.somanchi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi-
>> Thanks for the help in replies.
>> I have installed keystone from the source code rather than the apt-get
>> command,
>> Kindly guide me on how to bring up keystone when installed from the
>> source code.
>> Thanking you all
>> -
>> Trinath
>> On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:34 PM, Adam Young <ayoung at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>  On 01/23/2013 06:34 AM, Trinath Somanchi wrote:
>>> Hi Stackers-
>>>  I have installed glance and Keystone and configured them.
>>> Not sure how you installed, but you need to make sure the PKI
>>> provisioning is done.  You can do it by hand with the keystone_manage
>>> command.  Make sure you run it as the user that Keystone is going to run
>>> as, as it creates the certificates and Keystone (ajnd only Keystone) needs
>>> to be able to access those.
>>>  But When I upload a test image with glance, I got this error in
>>> keystone logs
>>>  (sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine): 2013-01-23 17:04:57,904 INFO
>>> ('106298a47e5a4d129c7b8571e188c51e', 1)
>>> (keystone.common.cms): 2013-01-23 17:04:57,990 ERROR Signing error:
>>> Error opening signer certificate /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem
>>> 140702974211744:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or
>>> directory:bss_file.c:398:fopen('/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem','r')
>>> 140702974211744:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system
>>> lib:bss_file.c:400:
>>> unable to load certificate
>>>  (root): 2013-01-23 17:04:57,991 ERROR Command 'openssl' returned
>>> non-zero exit status 3
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File
>>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone-2013.1-py2.7.egg/keystone/common/wsgi.py",
>>> line 215, in __call__
>>>     result = method(context, **params)
>>>   File
>>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone-2013.1-py2.7.egg/keystone/token/controllers.py",
>>> line 118, in authenticate
>>>     config.CONF.signing.keyfile)
>>>   File
>>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone-2013.1-py2.7.egg/keystone/common/cms.py",
>>> line 140, in cms_sign_token
>>>     output = cms_sign_text(text, signing_cert_file_name,
>>> signing_key_file_name)
>>>   File
>>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone-2013.1-py2.7.egg/keystone/common/cms.py",
>>> line 135, in cms_sign_text
>>>     raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, "openssl")
>>> CalledProcessError: Command 'openssl' returned non-zero exit status 3
>>>  Kindly help me resolve the issue
>>>  --
>>> Regards,
>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>> Trinath Somanchi,
>>> +91 9866 235 130
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> Trinath Somanchi,
>> +91 9866 235 130
> --
> Regards,
> ----------------------------------------------
> Trinath Somanchi,
> +91 9866 235 130

Trinath Somanchi,
+91 9866 235 130
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