[Openstack] OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Jan 11 – 18)

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Fri Jan 18 16:18:29 UTC 2013

    Highlights of the week

      My first week at OpenStack

Victoria Martínez de la Cruz <http://vmartinezdelacruz.com/> is one of 
the three interns working on OpenStack under the Outreach Program for 
Women (OPW –Anne Gentle shared some details about the program before.) 
She will be working on Tenant Deletion Workflow 
<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/tenant-deletion> in the 
next months. This first blog post about OpenStack contains lots of good 
advice for any developer joining the community: a must read, for 
experienced developers, hiring managers and newcomers to this great 

      Ceilometer Grizzly 2 Milestone Available

The Ceilometer team is proud to announce the first synchronous milestone 
delivery with the OpenStack <http://openstack.org/> project. Grizzly-2 
<https://launchpad.net/ceilometer/+milestone/grizzly-2> is also the last 
Folsom compatible version of Ceilometer 
<https://launchpad.net/ceilometer> as we are planning to introduce some 
breaking changes very soon in our trunk to enable a totally new set of 
features bringing Ceilometer beyond basic metering into monitoring and 

      How many people does one need to build a multi-region cloud?

Hui Cheng describes in details the StackLab project. Spearheaded by 
Sina, Intel, Gamewave, Xi’an Jiaotong University, South China University 
of Technology and others, it’s a non profit platform to try and test 
OpenStack. Sina’s OpenStack development team was responsible for the 
development, operations, and go online initially. More volunteers have 
joined the effort and are actively being recruited to get involved to 
this great career, which will accelerate OpenStack popularizing in China.

      An Image Transfers Service For OpenStack

John Bresnahan <https://tropicaldevel.wordpress.com/> makes the case for 
a new transfer service component in OpenStack. IaaS clouds must transfer 
VM images from the repositories in which they reside to compute nodes 
where they are booted. In the current state of OpenStack images download 
via HTTP to a nova-compute client speaking to the Glance image service. 
In the future proposed by John a transfers service would provide more 
predictable quality of service with horizontal scalability. Check his idea.

      Ceilomenter is looking for volunteers to take on unassigned
      blueprints <http://lists.openstack/>

The team is about to start implementing the blueprints for the g3 
milestone, there are few blueprints which still don’t have anyone 
assigned to them. If you are looking for something useful to code, head 
over to see the list of things that you could be working on. Remember 
that contributions during the Grizzly lifecycle will get you a free 
ticket to the OpenStack Summit.

    Tips and tricks

  * By Patrick McGarry <http://ceph.com/author/scuttlemonkey/>: Building
    a Public AMI with Ceph and OpenStack
  * By Davide Guerry: Using JuJu on OpenStack-based UniCloud
  * By John Bresnaha <https://tropicaldevel.wordpress.com/>: How to
    configure OpenStack Glance And Nova Backed By Red Hat Storage
  * By Loïc Dachary <http://dachary.org/>: Installing OpenStack Folsom
    on Debian GNU/Linux wheezy <http://dachary.org/?p=1791>
  * By Robert Collins <http://rbtcollins.wordpress.com/>: Multi-machine
    parallel testing of nova with testrepository
  * By Kyle Mestery <http://www.siliconloons.com/>: Multi-node OpenStack
    Folsom devstack <http://www.siliconloons.com/?p=395>

    Upcoming Events

  * OpenStack Users January 2013 meetup
    Jan 19, 2013 – Bangalore, India Details
  * Openstack Developers Meetup
    <http://wiki.openstack.org/DeveloperMeetupRaanana> Jan 20, 2013 –
    Raanana, Israel Details
  * Chef for OpenStack Hack Day
    <http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4395344594> Jan 22, 2013 – Boston,
    MA Details <http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4395344594>
  * oVirt Workshop <http://www.ovirt.org/NetApp_Workshop_January_2013>
    Jan 22 – 24, 2013 – Sunnyvale, CA Details
  * OpenStack Mini-Conf at Linux Conf Australia
    <https://lca2013.linux.org.au/wiki/Miniconfs/OpenStack>Jan 29, 2013
    – Canberra, Australia Details
  * OpenStack da zero
    Jan 31, 2013 – Roma, Italy Details
  * FOSDEM’13 <https://fosdem.org/2013/schedule/track/cloud/> Feb 02 –
    03, 2013 – Bruxelles, Belgium Cloud track
  * OpenStack Mini-Conf at gnuNify
    <http://gnunify.in/2013/event/OpenStack_Mini_Conf> Feb 15, 2013 –
    Pune, India Details <http://gnunify.in/2013/event/OpenStack_Mini_Conf>
  * Second Swiss OpenStack User Group Meeting
    <http://www.meetup.com/zhgeeks/events/97648722/> Feb 19, 2013 –
    Zurich, Switzerland Details
  * OpenStack Developers Meetup
    <http://www.meetup.com/openstack-atlanta/> Feb 21, 2013 – Atlanta,
    GA Details <http://www.meetup.com/openstack-atlanta/>
  * OpenStack Israel <http://www.openstack.org/> May 27, 2013 –
    Tel-Aviv, Israel Coming Soon <http://www.openstack.org/>

    Report from previous events

  * Summary and Review of the 2012 Openstack China Tour

    Other news

  * A new OpenStack Map: see where the OpenStack User Groups
    <http://openstack.org/community/> are around the world
  * OpenStack Project Meeting: Summary
    and full logs

    Welcome new contributors

Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:

  * Toan Nguyen, Rackspace
  * Hans Lindgren, KTH
  * Flavio Percoco, Redhat
  * Michael J Fork, IBM
  * Sean Chen
  * Changbin Liu
  * Dan Florea, Cisco
  * Tony NIU
  * François Rossigneux, INRIA
  * Eric Peterson, HP
  * Sunil Thaha, Redhat

/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the 
various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add 
content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please 
leave a comment./

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