[Openstack] OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Jan 4 – 11)

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Fri Jan 11 15:00:47 UTC 2013

    Highlights of the week

      Save the Date – OpenStack Summit Spring 2013

*It’s official – the Spring 2013 OpenStack Summit 
<https://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/> will be held in 
Portland, April 15-18, at the Oregon Convention Center. *

If you’d like to submit a presentation, panel or workshop, the *call for 
<http://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/call-for-speakers>is now 
open* and will close February 15.

      OpenStack at FOSDEM ’13

In 3 weeks, free and open source software developers will converge to 
Brussels for 2+ days of talks, discussions and beer. FOSDEM 
<https://fosdem.org/2013/> is still the largest gathering for our 
community in Europe, and it will be a pleasure to meet again with 
longtime friends. Note that FOSDEM attendance is free as in beer, and 
requires no registration. OpenStack will be present with a number of 
talks in the Cloud devroom 
<https://fosdem.org/2013/schedule/track/cloud/> in the /Chavanne/ 
auditorium on Sunday, February 3^rd .

      OpenStack at linux.conf.au 2013

On the other side of the world, OpenStack is a protagonist at 
linux.conf.au 2013 <http://lca2013.linux.org.au/> in Australia. Michael 
Still, Director of LinuxConf Australia, highlights in his blog post the 
not-to-be-missed talks about OpenStack and the closely-related ones. 
Spoiler alert: I counted 28 (twentyeight) talks, from Monday to Friday!

      OpenStack Board of Directors Talks: Episode 4 with Jim Curry, GM
      Private Cloud at Rackspace

Jim Curry talks about OpenStack accomplishments, areas worth focusing on 
for improving, the importance of the ecosystem and more. As OpenStack 
Elections near, these interviews of current members of OpenStack 
Foundation’s Board by Rafael Knuth are nice to read.

      Foundation 2012 End-of-Year UpdateJanuary/001301.html

Alan Clark, Board Chair, and Jonathan Bryce, Executive Director, sent a 
summary of 2012 accomplishments and the budget for 2012-2013.

      Introducing the Hyper-V Quantum plugin

Lots of good progress to bring OpenStack to Hyper-V and Windows. After 
the Nova Hyper-V driver, Cinder Windows Storage driver and Cloud-Init 
for Windows guests Cloudbase Solutions just released a Quantum plugin 
for Hyper-V 2008 R2 and 2012.

    Tips and tricks

  * By Zmanda <http://www.zmanda.com/blogs>: Backward Compatible
    Keystone-based OpenStack Swift <http://www.zmanda.com/blogs/?p=1002>
  * By Sébastien Han <http://sebastien-han.fr/>: Some tips for smooth
    maintenance in OpenStack

    Upcoming Events

  * OpenStack Users January 2013 meetup
    Jan 19, 2013 – Bangalore, India Details
  * Openstack Developers Meetup
    <http://wiki.openstack.org/DeveloperMeetupRaanana> Jan 20, 2013 –
    Raanana, Israel Details
  * Chef for OpenStack Hack Day
    <http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4395344594> Jan 22, 2013 – Boston,
    MA Details <http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4395344594>
  * oVirt Workshop <http://www.ovirt.org/NetApp_Workshop_January_2013>
    Jan 22 – 24, 2013 – Sunnyvale, CA Details
  * OpenStack Mini-Conf at Linux Conf Australia
    <https://lca2013.linux.org.au/wiki/Miniconfs/OpenStack>Jan 29, 2013
    – Canberra, Australia Details
  * FOSDEM’13 <https://fosdem.org/2013/schedule/track/cloud/> Feb 02 –
    03, 2013 – Bruxelles, Belgium Cloud track
  * OpenStack Mini-Conf at gnuNify
    <http://gnunify.in/2013/event/OpenStack_Mini_Conf> Feb 15, 2013 –
    Pune, India Details <http://gnunify.in/2013/event/OpenStack_Mini_Conf>
  * Second Swiss OpenStack User Group Meeting
    <http://www.meetup.com/zhgeeks/events/97648722/> Feb 19, 2013 –
    Zurich, Switzerland Details
  * OpenStack Israel <http://www.openstack.org/> May 27, 2013 –
    Tel-Aviv, Israel Coming Soon <http://www.openstack.org/>

    Report from previous events

  * Vietnam OpenStack Community 2nd Meeting

    Other news

  * *Grizzly-2* development milestone available (Keystone, Glance, Nova,
    Horizon, Quantum, Cinder) <http://markmail.org/message/ihmassje6qj3ekly>
  * Four Weeks, Four Webinars: Dive Deeply into Cloud Storage with Ceph
    and OpenStack
  * OpenStack Ruby (and RoR) bindings implemented on top of
    ActiveResource <https://github.com/Unidata-SpA/openstack_activeresource>
  * Discussion about Developing with Scala/Java on OpenStack Swift
  * New regular meeting for Swift
  * OpenStack Project Meeting: Summary
    and full logs
  * OpenStack Technical Committee report: Distro & Python 2.6/3.x
    support policy and Update on the “Future of Incubation / core” joint
    and full logs

    Welcome new contributors

Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:

  * Yuyue Hill
  * Kurt Taylor, IBM
  * Flaper Fesp

/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the 
various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add 
content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please 
leave a comment./

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