[Openstack] [OpenStack][Cinder] ISCSITargetCreateFailed: Failed to create iscsi target for volume

Pierre FREUND pierre.freund at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 12:13:43 UTC 2013

Here is a conf which works :

root at ip-10-33-167-169:~# vgs
  VG             #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
  cinder-volumes   1   0   0 wz--n- 10.00g 10.00g

root at ip-10-33-167-169:~# cat /etc/tgt/targets.conf
include /etc/tgt/conf.d/cinder_tgt.conf

root at ip-10-33-167-169:~# cat /etc/tgt/conf.d/cinder_tgt.conf
include /var/lib/cinder/volumes/*

2013/1/2 Leander Bessa Beernaert <leanderbb at gmail.com>

> With what should i replace the "include  /var/lib/cinder/volumes/*"? The
> folder /var/lib/cinder/volumes/ is empty :/
> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Pierre FREUND <pierre.freund at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I think you should try to replace all "*" in tgt conf files.
>> Replace by one include line per file instead of *.
>> Pierre FREUND
>> 2013/1/2 Leander Bessa Beernaert <leanderbb at gmail.com>
>>>  I've already tried restarting all cinder services and tgt, the error
>>> still remains.
>>> Thanks for the help though.
>>> Regards,
>>> Leander
>>> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Balamurugan V G <
>>> balamuruganvg at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Try restarting your 'tgt' and other cinder services. That is all I can
>>>> think of.
>>>> I had similar issue and after I set the path right and restarted the
>>>> services, it worked fine.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Balu
>>>> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 4:23 PM, Leander Bessa Beernaert <
>>>> leanderbb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Reply is inlined below.
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Balamurugan V G <
>>>>> balamuruganvg at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Is that a typo in your configuration or a copy pase error:
>>>>>> # /etc/tgt/conf.d/cinder_tgt.conf
>>>>>> nclude /var/lib/cinder/volumes/*
>>>>>> The 'i' is missing in 'include'. If its only a copy paste error in
>>>>>> the mail, make sure you have the following running:
>>>>> That was a copy & paste typo, the original file is correct.
>>>>>> root at openstack-vm:~# ps -ef | grep cinder
>>>>>> root      3636     1  0 06:53 ?        00:00:33 /usr/bin/python
>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cinder-volume
>>>>>> root     25433     1  0 06:46 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/python
>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cinder-api --config-file /etc/cinder/cinder.conf
>>>>>> root     25937     1  0 06:46 ?        00:00:32 /usr/bin/python
>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cinder-scheduler --config-file /etc/cinder/cinder.conf
>>>>>> root at openstack-vm:~# ps -ef | grep tgt
>>>>>> root     31176 31174  0 06:49 ?        00:00:03 tgtd
>>>>>> root at openstack-vm:~#
>>>>> # ps -ef | grep cinder:
>>>>> cinder   14315     1  0 10:12 ?        00:00:00 su -s /bin/sh -c exec
>>>>> cinder-volume --config-file=/etc/cinder/cinder.conf
>>>>> --log-file=/var/log/cinder/cinder-volume.log cinder
>>>>> cinder   14316 14315  0 10:12 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/python
>>>>> /usr/bin/cinder-volume --config-file=/etc/cinder/cinder.conf
>>>>> --log-file=/var/log/cinder/cinder-volume.log
>>>>> cinder   14336     1  0 10:12 ?        00:00:00 su -s /bin/sh -c exec
>>>>> cinder-api --config-file=/etc/cinder/cinder.conf
>>>>> --log-file=/var/log/cinder/cinder-api.log cinder
>>>>> cinder   14337 14336  0 10:12 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python
>>>>> /usr/bin/cinder-api --config-file=/etc/cinder/cinder.conf
>>>>> --log-file=/var/log/cinder/cinder-api.log
>>>>> cinder   14358     1  0 10:12 ?        00:00:00 su -s /bin/sh -c exec
>>>>> cinder-scheduler --config-file=/etc/cinder/cinder.conf
>>>>> --log-file=/var/log/cinder/cinder-scheduler.log cinder
>>>>> cinder   14359 14358  0 10:12 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/python
>>>>> /usr/bin/cinder-scheduler --config-file=/etc/cinder/cinder.conf
>>>>> --log-file=/var/log/cinder/cinder-scheduler.log
>>>>> root     21026  6073  0 10:49 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto
>>>>> cinder
>>>>> # ps -ef | grep tgt
>>>>> root     13648     1  0 10:09 ?        00:00:00 tgtd
>>>>> root     13650 13648  0 10:09 ?        00:00:00 tgtd
>>>>> root     21369  6073  0 10:51 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto tgt
>>>>> # cinder.conf: [user] and [pass] omitted
>>>>> [DEFAULT]
>>>>> rootwrap_config = /etc/cinder/rootwrap.conf
>>>>> api_paste_confg = /etc/cinder/api-paste.ini
>>>>> sql_connection = mysql://[user]:[pass]@
>>>>> iscsi_helper = tgtadm
>>>>> volume_name_template = volume-%s
>>>>> volume_group = cinder-volumes
>>>>> verbose = True
>>>>> auth_strategy = keystone
>>>>> state_path = /var/lib/cinder
>>>>> volumes_dir = /var/lib/cinder/volumes
>>>>>> Also, in my case(devstack install), the path is
>>>>>> '/opt/stack/data/cinder/volumes/*' and not ' /var/lib/cinder/volumes/*'. So
>>>>>> make sure your path is right.
>>>>>  I'm using a custom install script to setup a single install of
>>>>> OpenStack using the packages provided by Ubuntu 12.04.
>>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Balu
>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Leander Bessa Beernaert <
>>>>>> leanderbb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> # /etc/tgt/conf.d/cinder_tgt.conf
>>>>>>> nclude /var/lib/cinder/volumes/*
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Leander
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