Hello, I'm trying to use heat on havana openstack release. I installed all thinks I need (nova, neutron, glance, heat) and configure it that I can create "normall" instances and it has got public IPs from neutron. Later I create image with Fedora 19 according to guide: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/getting_started/jeos_building.html#building-an-image-with-diskimage-builder (and also Ubuntu 12.10 according to http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/getting_started/jeos_building.html#building-an-image-with-oz ), I register those images in glance and I create test stack with Wordpress_Single_Instance.template from heat/templates. Stack was created correct but it looks that is not configured - httpd, ssh and other services are not installed. VM only pings and this wordpress is not available at address on which it should be. So do I something wrong? Maybe I miss some steps? I hope that You create such heat stacks and can help me with that :) Thanks in advcance -- Sławek Kapłoński slawek at kaplonski.pl