[Openstack] [Swift] Object-Expirer not expiring objects

Matt Harlum matt at cactuar.net
Thu Dec 5 05:52:08 UTC 2013


I’m currently trying to get the Object-expiry working, it shows that there are objects to delete, but for some reason it just doesn’t do it

When object-expirer runs, it shows that there are objects to delete but doesn’t do so. I have been trying to get this working for months without any luck, am I missing something?


swift_dir = /etc/swift
user = swift
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
log_level = DEBUG

auto_create_account_prefix = .

pipeline = recon catch_errors cache proxy-server

use = egg:swift#proxy

use = egg:swift#recon
recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift

use = egg:swift#memcache
memcache_servers =

use = egg:swift#catch_errors

swift-object-expirer /etc/swift/object-expirer.conf -v -o
object-expirer Run begin
swift - - 05/Dec/2013/05/49/14 HEAD /v1/.expiring_objects HTTP/1.0 204 - Swift%20Object%20Expirer - - - - txb51bcf9ecc694987b3c40d363519ab00 - 0.0029 -
object-expirer Pass beginning; 2 possible containers; 2 possible objects
swift - - 05/Dec/2013/05/49/14 GET /v1/.expiring_objects%3Fformat%3Djson%26marker%3D%26end_marker%3D HTTP/1.0 200 - Swift%20Object%20Expirer - - 96 - tx4d7393a8cfd64cfb9186ce028d4a6dd2 - 0.0021 -
swift - - 05/Dec/2013/05/49/14 GET /v1/.expiring_objects/1377129600%3Fformat%3Djson%26marker%3D%26end_marker%3D HTTP/1.0 404 - Swift%20Object%20Expirer - - 52 - txc6b0e2737d874afa9aff1227cce0f972 - 0.0055 -
swift - - 05/Dec/2013/05/49/14 DELETE /v1/.expiring_objects/1377129600 HTTP/1.0 404 - Swift%20Object%20Expirer - - 52 - txb3aa5fa3c54b4b478634fec4ddc6845f - 0.0038 -
object-expirer Run end (txn: txb3aa5fa3c54b4b478634fec4ddc6845f)
object-expirer Pass completed in 0s; 0 objects expired


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