[Openstack] adding a "worker pool" notion for RPC consumers

Eric Windisch eric at cloudscaling.com
Tue May 22 18:33:03 UTC 2012

> If a consumer is trying to subscribe to a worker pool but the underlying implementation for the messaging system does not support those semantics, we should fail loudly and explicitly instead of configuring the consumer using other semantics that may result in subtle bugs or data corruption.
If we were doing that right now with the ZeroMQ driver, we'd be raising some ugly exceptions up without any benefit.  It only consumes the '<service>.<host>' topics.   Fanout and round-robin of direct exchanges (bare topics without a dot-character) are handled by the *sender* and are thus not consumed, which I realize is 180-degrees from how this is handled in AMQP.

My suggestion is that for static matchmakers, on the registration of a consumer, we do a host lookup in the matchmaker to see if that host has been pre-registered.  If it is not in the map/lookup, then we raise an ugly Exception.

Eric Windisch 

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