[Openstack] [nova] a proposal to change metadata API data
Jay Pipes
jaypipes at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 13:20:09 UTC 2012
Thanks Matt, comments inline...
On 07/23/2012 05:25 PM, Matt Joyce wrote:
> > I wish to add some data to the metadata server that can be found
> > somewhere else. That a user could jump through a hoop or two to
> add to
> > their instances. Esteemed personages are concerned that I would be
> > crossing the rubicon in terms of opening up the metadata api for
> wanton
> > abuse. They are not without a right or reason to be concerned. And
> > that is why I am going to attempt to explicitly classify a new
> category
> > of data that we might wish to allow into the metadata server. If
> we can
> > be clear about what we are allowing we can avoid abuse.
> >
> > I want to provide a uniform ( standardized? ) way for instances in the
> > openstack cloud to communicate back to the OpenStack APIs without
> having
> > to be provided data by the users of the cloud services.
> Let's be clear here... are you talking about the OpenStack Compute API
> or are you talking about the OpenStack Metadata service which is merely
> the EC2 Metadata API? We already have the config-drive extension [1]
> that allows information and files to be injected into the instance and
> loaded as a readonly device. The information in the config-drive can
> include things like the Keystone URI for the cell/AZ in which an
> instance resides.
> I mean the OpenStack Metadata service.
Sorry, I'm still confused. The only actual stand-alone service in
OpenStack for metadata is the OpenStack EC2 Metadata service that runs
on the fixed AWS address. Are you referring to this, or
are you referring to the /servers/<SERVER_ID>/metadata call in the
OpenStack Compute API v2?
> The config drive extension does
> not as far as I am aware produce a "uniform" path for data like this.
Absolutely correct. The community would need to come to a consensus on
this uniformity, just as Amazon came to the decision to hard-code the address.
> This API query should be the same from openstack deployment to openstack
> deployment to ensure portability of instances relying on this API query
> to figure out where the catalog service is. By "uniform" I mean it has
> all the love care and backwards versioning support as a traditional API
> query.
Agree completely.
> The config-drive seems more intended to be user customized
> rather than considered a community supported API query.
Well, that may be the case, but as mentioned above, I think we could
*use* config-drive along with a community consensus on a uniform place
to store lookup information for a real OpenStack metadata service --
things like a private key, info file containing the IP of the "nearest"
metadata service, etc...
> > Today the
> > mechanism by which this is done is catastrophically difficult for
> a new
> > user.
> Are you specifically referring here to the calls that, say, cloud-init
> makes to the (assumed to be running) EC2 metadata API service at
> Or something different? Just want to
> make sure I'm understanding what you are referring to as difficult.
> I am referring to the whole new user experience. Anything custom to a
> deployment of openstack is now outside of our control and is not
> portable.
Sure, completely agree!
> Also a new user will not be prepared to inject user data
> properly.
Well, I'm actually not suggesting having the user really be involved at
all with the injection of keys/information into the config-drive :) That
would done by Nova.
When a user currently launches an image in OpenStack, that image
connects to the EC2 metadata service automatically if cloud-init is
installed in the image. I am picturing a similar scenario for this
config-drive stuff -- only instead of cloud-init needing to be installed
on the image, I'm suggesting Nova create a "standard" (uniform)
config-drive (or part of a config-drive) that contained upstart/startup
scripts, keys, and info for connecting to some OpenStack Metadata service.
> Going further and a bit onto an irate tangent. Horizon has a
> really round about and completely non intuitive way of providing users
> with info on where API servers are. IE you have to generate an
> openstack credentials file. download it. and look at it in a text
> editor and then know what it is you are looking at. To find your
> tenant_name you have to guess in the dark that horizon is referring to
> your tenant name as a project.
Heh, well, you know where I stand on the whole tenant vs. project theme
:) That said, it's a bit of a tangent, as you admit to above :)
> The whole thing is insane. What I am
> talking about here is a first step in allowing image builders to
> integrate into openstack in a uniform way across all installations ( or
> most ). And that will allow people to reduce the overall pain on new
> users of cloud at their pleasure. I am asking for this based on my
> experience trying to do this outside of openstack development.
See my suggestion above... maybe we're getting closer towards a
commonly-envisioned solution? Snipping the rest of the conversation
because I basically agree with most of what you're saying.
> > This uniform way for instances to interact with the openstack API
> that I
> > want already sort of exists in the keystone catalog service. The
> > problem is that you need to know where the keystone server is in the
> > world to access it. That of course changes from deployment to
> > deployment. Especially with the way SSL endpoints are being handled.
> This can be done using config-drive and the OpenStack community coming
> up with a standard file or tool that would be injected into the config
> drive. This would be similar to the calls currently executed by
> cloud-init that are hard-coded to look for Would
> that work?
> I don't know. I'd say maybe. But I'd prefer it was tracked as an API
> call. It will have in that area legitimate support from the community
> and backwards version compatibility requirements. I think ultimately it
> belongs in the API as much as any other query. While I think this sort
> of solves the issue and may smooth a few folks feathers about the
> issue. I think it's probably the wrong way to handle it and likely to
> bite us in the ass down the road when someone starts mangling that file
> or doesn't realize config-drive is a dependency for that sort of
> fundamental query.
> > But the metadata API server is generally known as it uses a default ip
> > address value that can be found on any amazon compatible
> deployment. In
> > fact to my knowledge it is the only known way to query openstack for
> > data relevant to interacting with it without user interaction. And
> > that's the key to this whole thing. I want to direct users or
> > automation baked into instances to the keystone api and catalog
> > service. And the only way I know how to do that is the metadata
> service.
> As mentioned above, config-drive extension was built for just this
> purpose IIRC. Chris Macgown, who wrote the original extension, cc'd,
> should be able to comment on this further.
> I disagree on that being the purpose. I think the config drive is a
> user customization option. In this case I am talking openstack
> community support like any other API query we support. As far as I can
> tell placing it as part of config-drive robs it of that. And that's
> unacceptable for people wanting to use that query for code baked into
> images.
> > This api data can be classified as being first and foremost OpenStack
> > infrastructure related. Additionally it is not available without
> a user
> > providing it anywhere else. And finally it is a catalog service.
> >
> > I'd love some more input on whether this makes sense, or can be
> improved
> > upon as an idea and formalized as a rule for using the metadata api
> > without abusing it.
> Well, we know we can't change the EC2 Metadata API since we don't own or
> have any control over the Amazon APIs. We can however come up with an
> OpenStack-centric tool using config-drive and a tool that would query a
> Keystone endpoint for a local OpenStack Compute API endpoint and then
> use the existing OpenStack Compute API calls for server metadata [2]?
> That sounds doable to you?
> Not as it currently exists. Unless config-drive is going to be held to
> the same standard as an API query set. And currently it may be in terms
> of actually development support... but there is no authoritative
> community promise to that.
> I get the argument for using config-drive. And to be blunt I think it's
> probably superior to the metadata API on a number of things. But it's
> only functional in some reduced set of openstack deployments, it's not
> held to the same level of scrutiny as an API query set. And that means
> it's not going to be usable today. It means it MIGHT be usable
> sometime in the future maybe but as of now probably not.
> Best,
> -jay
> [1] Config Drive extension:
> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/api_ext/ext_config_drive.html
> [2] Server metadata calls in Compute API:
> http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-compute/2/content/List_Metadata-d1e5089.html
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Matt Joyce
> >
> > PS:
> >
> > My current work effort in regards to this is related to passing
> keystone
> > credentials to instances via pam authentication. So I can do a number
> > of API related queries into openstack because I have credentials
> > available to the OS that are dynamically allocated. But to make my
> > image portable I need to not be baking in the keystone API URI.
> >
> > If that gives any insight on why this is important to me. Or
> possibly you.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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