[Openstack] [ceilometer] Metering meeting agenda for Thursday at 16:00 UTC (Aug 30rd, 2012)
Nick Barcet
nick.barcet at canonical.com
Thu Aug 30 16:42:54 UTC 2012
On 08/29/2012 08:29 PM, Nick Barcet wrote:
> Hi,
> The metering project team holds a meeting in #openstack-meeting,
> Thursdays at 1600 UTC
> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=16&min=0&sec=0>.
> Everyone is welcome.
> Agenda:
> http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/MeteringAgenda
> * Review last week's actions
> - jaypipes to create ceilometer cookbook
> - nijaba to link schema in the doc
> - nijaba to start a thread on meeting time
> * Discuss session proposal for Grizzly summit
> * Open discussion
> If you are not able to attend or have additional topic you would like to
> cover, please update the agenda on the wiki.
The meeting took place today, the 30th, contrarily to what I wrongly
titled the previous email, and here is the summary:
#openstack-meeting: Ceilometer
Meeting started by nijaba at 16:01:12 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* LINK: http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/MeteringAgenda (nijaba,
* actions from previous meeting (nijaba, 16:02:11)
* jaypipes to create ceilometer cookbook (nijaba, 16:02:26)
* ACTION: nijaba to open a bug for cookbook and assign to jaypipes
(nijaba, 16:03:42)
* nijaba to link schema in the doc (nijaba, 16:03:53)
* LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/12171 (nijaba, 16:04:04)
(nijaba, 16:04:04)
* ACTION: nijaba to add architecture image to project /doc rather than
link from google (nijaba, 16:06:04)
* ACTION: nijaba to include a comment in the rst file linking to the
google document where you build the image, so we can remember where
it is later (nijaba, 16:06:46)
* nijaba to start a thread on meeting time (nijaba, 16:09:41)
* Discuss sessions proposal for Grizzly summit (nijaba, 16:10:12)
* ACTION: dhellmann to move summit proposal outlines to the wiki and
email links to the dev mailing list (dhellmann, 16:13:56)
* Discuss changing the meeting time (nijaba, 16:16:08)
* ACTION: nijaba to open a doodle poll to pick between viable options
(nijaba, 16:23:15)
* Open Discussion (nijaba, 16:25:23)
Meeting ended at 16:35:25 UTC.
Action items, by person
* dhellmann
* dhellmann to move summit proposal outlines to the wiki and email
links to the dev mailing list
* jaypipes
* nijaba to open a bug for cookbook and assign to jaypipes
* nijaba
* nijaba to open a bug for cookbook and assign to jaypipes
* nijaba to add architecture image to project /doc rather than link
from google
* nijaba to include a comment in the rst file linking to the google
document where you build the image, so we can remember where it is
* nijaba to open a doodle poll to pick between viable options
People present (lines said)
* nijaba (78)
* dhellmann (35)
* spn (15)
* jd___ (8)
* oubiwann (6)
* jaypipes (4)
* openstack (4)
* gmb (1)
* DanD (1)
Nick Barcet <nick.barcet at canonical.com>
aka: nijaba, nicolas
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