[Openstack] Question on notifications

Joshua Harlow harlowja at yahoo-inc.com
Wed Apr 25 21:44:05 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I was looking at the notification outputs, which are very useful and I was wondering if the way to say figure out which hypervisor a VM is being built on.

There seems to be the following key: "publisher_id": "compute.buildingbuild" (event is "compute.instance.create.end")

It would seem the stuff after "compute" is the hostname, would that be correct, or should the scheduler messages be intercepted, which as example has the following:

"weighted_host": {
    "host": "buildingbuild",
    "weight": -1488.0

I would think the first practice would be right, since its from the compute node instead of the scheduler, but would like some feedback :-)

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