Absolutely. It's a holiday here (I'm just checking in periodically). Enjoy your day y'all! -S ________________________________ From: openstack-bounces+sandy.walsh=rackspace.com at lists.launchpad.net [openstack-bounces+sandy.walsh=rackspace.com at lists.launchpad.net] on behalf of Stefano Maffulli [smaffulli at gmail.com] Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 12:35 PM To: openstack at lists.launchpad.net Subject: Re: [Openstack] A possible alternative to Gerrit ... 2011/9/5 Sandy Walsh <sandy.walsh at rackspace.com<mailto:sandy.walsh at rackspace.com>> That said, whether we use roundabout or use the code that has already been created for the gerrit/jenkins integration is perhaps worthy of a discussion? I believe it is worth a discussion. Since today is a holiday in the US and many developers are offline I propose we pause this discussion for the rest of the day. I'll talk to Jay, Monty and Jim tomorrow and will come back with a plan to address the concerns raised on the list. Would that work for you? /stef This email may include confidential information. If you received it in error, please delete it. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack/attachments/20110905/5d38c95e/attachment.html>