[Openstack] access to openstack swift cluster

Tomasz 'Zen' Napierała tomasz at napierala.org
Mon Oct 3 15:24:51 UTC 2011

On 3 paź 2011, at 16:56, Khaled Ben Bahri wrote:

> Hi 
> This is the proxy-server.conf
> cert_file = /etc/swift/cert.crt
> key_file = /etc/swift/cert.key
> bind_port = 8080
> workers = 8
> user = swift
> [pipeline:main]
> pipeline = healthcheck cache tempauth proxy-server
> [app:proxy-server]
> use = egg:swift#proxy
> allow_account_management = true
> [filter:tempauth]
> use = egg:swift#tempauth
> user_system_root = testpass .admin
> [filter:healthcheck]
> use = egg:swift#healthcheck
> [filter:cache]
> use = egg:swift#memcache
> memcache_servers =
> when I connect to the proxy server, I can manage files
> swift -A https://$PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass upload myfiles fichier_test
> swift -A https://$PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass list
> these are commands used i 'm logged on the proxy node to stor a file named 'fichier_test' 
> and the second is to list created containers
> I want to store file without logging to the proxy server but i don't know how to do this

I assume you checked that you can connect to port 8080 from outside the proxy.
What I suspect is that you don't have 

defined on external system

Anyway, you just disclosed your credentials to the list (which means the whole world), and considering fact, that your system is open to the world, I would change system:root user and password, and also set up firewall.

Tomasz 'Zen' Napierała

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