On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 11:16 PM, Abhishek Sharma <sharma.abhishek.it at gmail.com> wrote: > Hi everyone, > This was the highlighted mailing list for developers and I have no clue > whether this is actually an appropriate place to ask this question. But > kindly allow this for a first-timer. I am pretty new to cloud computing and > would like to know more about it. So may anyone can suggest me some good > compiled resource on cloud(not a bible though!!). Wikipedia is too diverse > :( If you're looking for generic cloud computing topics the diversity is good. You should checkout all cloud environments. If you're looking for openstack specific, we have openstack documentation http://docs.openstack.org/ And these guys also seem to write good content on it - http://cssoss.wordpress.com/2011/04/27/openstack-beginners-guide-for-ubuntu-11-04-instance-management/ Hope it helps. -- (krish at irc.freenode.net) www.toonheart.com