[Openstack] Problem Launching OpenStack Dashboard (Cactus) - 403 Error - HELP NEEDED DESPERATELY :(

Sheshadri Amathnadu Sheshadri.Amathnadu at huawei.com
Thu May 12 20:51:06 UTC 2011


I followed the following steps below to create Dashboard, after I run the python-django server script (marked below in red) -
sudo tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py runserver

I can see the dashboard home page, but when I log in with the credentials I get "ERROR:boto:403 Forbidden",

Please find attached detailed log for more information.

Can somebody help me if I have missed anything ?


PS: I followed http://cssoss.wordpress.com/2011/04/27/openstack-beginners-guide-for-ubuntu-11-04-installation-and-configuration/ for setup. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick version.

Nova Dashboard

1              sudo apt-get install -y bzr
2              sudo easy_install virtualenv

1              sudo bzr init-repo .
2              sudo bzr branch lp:openstack-dashboard /opt/osdb
3              cd /opt/osdb
4              sudo sh run_tests.sh
5              cd openstack-dashboard

Edit /opt/osdb/openstack-dashboard/local/local_settings.py to include certain details required for connecting to nova-api.
1              NOVA_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = 'http://localhost:8773/services/Cloud'
2              NOVA_DEFAULT_REGION = 'nova'
3              NOVA_ACCESS_KEY = 'b6a7e3ca-f894-473b-abca-84329d9829fa:proj'
4              NOVA_SECRET_KEY = '2d61a361-965a-4ed6-966a-d9f543b42531'
5              NOVA_ADMIN_USER = 'novaadmin'
6              NOVA_PROJECT = 'proj'

Setting Up E-mail service for the web interface
1              EMAIL_HOST = 'server1.example.com'
2              EMAIL_PORT = 25
3              If the mail server provides only authenticated SMTP, add the following lines:
4              EMAIL_USER =
5              EMAIL_PASSWORD =

1              EMAIL_USE_TLS = 'True'

Create a openstack-dashboard database and its schema with the syncdb command. Provide the name/email address/desired password of the administrative user when prompted.
view source

1              sudo tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py syncdb

While creating the schema, the above command asks you to create an admin account for the dashboard. Choose the user name as the project admin's user name you chose above while creating the project ( novadmin in our case). You can choose any password you like.

Launch the default python-django server. If you want the dashboard application to be available on port 8000 :

1              sudo tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py runserver

To check the installation open a browser and enter the following URL
view source

You should be able to login as "novaadmin" using the password chosen above. Any other user trying to access the interface for the first time, will need to sign up and will be able to use the interface after the account is approved by the administrator.

A successful login and display of the project named "proj" on the dashboard will indicate that the dashboard has been setup successfully.


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