[Openstack] Moving code hosting to GitHub

Robert Collins robert.collins at canonical.com
Wed Apr 13 10:22:15 UTC 2011

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 7:28 AM, Robert Collins
<robert.collins at canonical.com> wrote:
>> Don't search: sprint is the one!!! As I'm writing this mail, it's 11pm,
>> and I get 20% packet loss... And that's not even peak hours in here
>> (which is between 5 and 8pm local time). I can send traceroutes with mtr
>> if you like, but I believe it will be annoying reads for the readers of
>> this list. Maybe we should switch to private emails?
> The data about sprint is interesting; I'm going to go find the ticket
> we have about performance in china and add this information to it.

I've got a ticket open internally about this; we would appreciate
traceroutes and so forth - lets take that offlist - if you reply just
to me I'll forward it to the sysadmins looking into the issue (and
keep in the loop myself).

I guess initially we need:
 - tcptraceroute on port 22 to bazaar.launchpad.net (has address
 - tcptraceroute on port 443 to launchpad.net (on addresses,
 - mtr bazaar.launchpad.net --report-cycles=15
 - mtr launchpad.net --report-cycles=15

And anything else that you think might be interesting to start with.

We have a VPN we can try as well, which can be useful to rule out
various routing policies in the intervening route.

Thanks in advance,

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