[openstack-tw] Fwd: Preliminary list of Invited Speakers at OpenStack Day Taiwan 2015

Josh Chai joshchai08 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 03:31:53 UTC 2015

Thanks for all the good works, everyone. 

As my name and Wenyu’s have brought up for the international group, with reference to Yoyo’s email below, I would like to share the draft of speaker invitation letter in below. This invitation letter was also reference from TED which I thought we don’t have to reinventing the wheel.

Please feel free to comment and tweak it.

Best regards,


Dear [hopeful speaker],

I hope this message finds you well. I'm honored to invite you to speak at Openstack Day Taiwan 2015, an independently organized Openstack event happening in [month and year]. I am a huge fan of [your work] – and the way you [are so impressive at that thing you do] – and would be so excited if you would join us.

Openstack Day Taiwan 20015 is a full-day event being curated by [curators’ names with titles/affiliations], with an audience of about [#] in [place]. Our goal is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are Technology-focused, and on a wide range of subjects, to foster learning, inspiration and user case sharing – and provoke conversations that matter.

Your talk would be filmed and an edit will be hosted on the Openstack Taiwan user group media channels. Just as with all speakers, we would work together ahead of time to craft the talk. Your talk could be up to [#] minutes, on any themes or topics you're interested in -- [a few suggestions].

Openstack Day Taiwan 2015 is tentatively scheduled for [date]. We believe your voice would be a critical addition to the Openstack Day Taiwan 2015 stage. Please let us know by [date] whether or not you’d be interested in speaking. Thank you for reading, and we very much look forward to hearing from you.

Openstack Taiwan day 2015 International group


>> On Apr 26, 2015, at 10:49 AM, yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com <mailto:yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> 我想身為志工委員的一份子,雖然彼此有分組分工,但大家應該還是樂見彼此互相協助幫忙。
>> 各組組長的職責,是把該組須負責的項目協調運作好,萬一有工作沒人做,組長就得負責自己做或協調他人協助。
>> 例如國際組目前要邀請海外人士來,除了組長Joanna負責統籌協調外,組員Wneyu/Josh都是會出力參予協助的成員,但非國際組成員(如Jack、我、甚至不是委員都可以),如果有方便條件直接聯繫特定海外人士,那就可以將名單提給國際組參考,然後協助直接接觸詢問,待對方有意願的話,再轉請國際組出面正式邀約程序。
>> 因此,我建議國際組可先擬定一份email邀約文案給大家,給大家有方便條件的人直接初步詢問海外人士意願,如果獲得正面回應,就轉交國際組統籌,以方便國際組掌握整體邀請進度。
>> 國內議程邀約部分也請Jack比照辦理(先提供邀請函,大家都可就便利條件提出名單協助邀約)。
>> 另外,有一件事也想徵詢大家同意。目前承蒙大家支持,由我出面代表擔任活動委員長,因此日後若本活動有需整體對外"具名"文件,我想就以"OpenStack Day Taiwan 2015”來具名,若需要個人具名,則由我代表具名,然不論上述哪種方式,我都會把具名文件內容預先給大家確認後,再對外發表。
>> 如果大家同意,那即日起對外須具名之相關文件,就麻煩各組準備好內容後,寄給大家確認後再發布。
>> PS. 以上所稱"大家",為求效率,以本活動之15名委員為主,但各委員可依視需求自行代表來反映社群其他人士聲音與意見。
>> 謝謝。
>> 委員長 YOYO @ 2015/4/26
>> 從「Windows 郵件」送出
>> 寄件者: Joanna H. Huang <mailto:joanna at aptira.com>
>> 寄件日期: ‎2015‎年‎4月‎24‎日‎星期五 ‎下午‎ ‎10‎:‎23
>> 收件者: mac Jack <mailto:macjacktw at hotmail.com>
>> 副本: yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com <mailto:yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com>, openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org <mailto:openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org>
>> Hi Jack, can you let us know who you have contacted with? Can you please work on Taiwanese speaker invitation so that we don't have work overlap. Once we have confirmed our international speakers, we will forward their contacts to your group.
>> Can you also remind us the policy? We didn't discuss this in last meeting when josh and wenyu volunteered to international affair working group. I don't see there is a sensitive issue in our working group since we will be CC'ing all team members in every single email we exchanged with our contacts.
>> Cheers,
>> Joanna
>> On 24 Apr 2015 10:09 pm, "Jack mac" <macjacktw at hotmail.com <mailto:macjacktw at hotmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello OpenStacker
>> 我正在跟幾位亞太區的user group leader contact 
>> 有消息再跟各位回報
>> 另外
>> 當初有決議
>> 同公司的委員
>> 不能在同一組
>> 請問是否還要繼續執行
>> Thanks
>> BR
>> macJack
>> Friday, April 24, 2015, 19:46 +0800 from yoyochiang <yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com <mailto:yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com>>:
>> Awesome!
>> <Invited speaker to be confirmed> (China)
>> →程輝 (CEO of UnitedStack)
>> I think either Jack or I can contact him.
>> Yoyo
>> 從「Windows 郵件」送出
>> 寄件者: Joanna H. Huang <https://e-aj.my.com/compose/?mailto=mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang%40gmail.com>
>> 寄件日期: ‎2015‎年‎4月‎24‎日‎星期五 ‎下午‎ ‎05‎:‎03
>> 收件者: openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org <https://e-aj.my.com/compose/?mailto=mailto:openstack-tw%40lists.openstack.org>
>> Hi all,
>> Just a follow-up from yesterday's meeting that we need to start soon inviting speakers from foundation as well as some existing successful OpenStack user stories. The following invitation list was suggested in our meeting yesterday. 
>> OpenStack Foundation
>> Jonathan Bryce
>> Mark Collier
>> Tom Fifield
>> OpenStack Ambassador in Asia-Pacific region
>> Akihiro Hasegawa
>> Akira Yoshiyama
>> Tristan Goode
>> Kavit Munshi
>> Ye Lu
>> OpenStack User Group Lead in Asia-Pacific region
>> Kavit Munshi (India)
>> Akihiro Hasegawa (Japan)
>> <Invited speaker to be confirmed> (China)
>> Tristan Goode (Australia)
>> OpenStack user stories (Apps on OpenStack, OpenStack deployment use case)
>> Felix Lee,CERN ATLAS Taiwan Tier 1 Centre, Academia Sinica
>> <Invited speaker to be confirmed>,VM5(Mobile Virtualization)
>> Jhen-Wei Huang, MediaTek
>> If you know any one who may like to share their OpenStack user story, please do suggest! We need more happy user stories!
>> Committee international affair working group (Josh Chai, Wen Yu Chen, Felix Lee, and Joanna Huang) will be sending invitation letters to OpenStack foundation, ambassador and user group lead soon.
>> The speakers in community training, technology sharing, and sponsor sessions will be selected from Call For Speaker application. The application approach will be conducted by committee soon. The topics includes but not limited to the following: getting started, compute, networking, storage, community building, presentation-based hand-on.
>> Feel free to reply to this email if you have any comment or suggestion. 
>> Thanks a lot and hope everyone have a lovely weekend!
>> Cheers,
>> Joanna
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