[openstack-tw] Preliminary list of Invited Speakers at OpenStack Day Taiwan 2015

Yoyo Chiang yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com
Mon Apr 27 00:35:13 UTC 2015


2015年4月26日 下午11:14 於 "Tsao, Terence" <tsao at hp.com> 寫道:

>  Hello Joanna,
> 向國際組報告:我們透過HP APJ 的community manager詢問Monty Taylor有無可能在8/11
> 來台灣參活動,日前也已獲得首肯。
> 這起因是從第一次會議後有提到要邀請國外講者來分享,Monty Taylor在OpenStack上貢獻良多,所以想邀請他來分享,APJ 的community
> manager應該有跟Tom討論過此事,不過最終的邀請還是尊重國際組的安排。
> 以下是Monty Taylor的簡介及貢獻連結:
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/montytaylor
> http://stackalytics.com/?metric=loc&company=hp&release=juno
> OpenStack社群的人不能不知道Monty Taylor,他曾是OpenStack Infrastructure 項目的PTL (
> Project Team Leader ),目前是OpenStack社群Technical Committee成員(技術委員會成員),在
> OpenStack的社群貢獻個人排名第二。
> http://www.meetup.com/China-OpenStack-User-Group/events/221494940/
> 北京的活動取名為”與大師面對面”
> 謝謝您。
> HP / Terecne
> *From:* Joanna H. Huang [mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, April 26, 2015 12:02 PM
> *To:* yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com; openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-tw] Preliminary list of Invited Speakers at
> OpenStack Day Taiwan 2015
> Hi Yoyo,
> Thanks for the suggestion and it sounds good to me! I'm happy to follow as
> long as we don't send out duplicate invitation by different individuals
> separately that would likely cause confusion.
> I have direct contacts to the speakers in the preliminary list in my
> previous email. But I don't know many local contacts though. I hope Jack's
> team can help on that. Or if you know someone who may be a good candidates,
> please do suggest.
> We will print "On behalf of OpenStack Day Taiwan 2015 committee" in the
> closing of invitation letter and cc' every team member during communication
> with our invited speakers.
> Cheers,
> Joanna
> On 26/04/15 10:49, yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com wrote:
>  Dear all,
> 我想身為志工委員的一份子,雖然彼此有分組分工,但大家應該還是樂見彼此互相協助幫忙。
> 各組組長的職責,是把該組須負責的項目協調運作好,萬一有工作沒人做,組長就得負責自己做或協調他人協助。
> 例如國際組目前要邀請海外人士來,除了組長Joanna負責統籌協調外,組員Wneyu/Josh都是會出力參予協助的成員, 但非國際組成員(如Jack
> 、我、甚至不是委員都可以),如果有方便條件直接聯繫特定海外人士,那就可以將名單提給國際組參考,然後
> 協助直接接觸詢問,待對方有意願的話,再轉請國際組出面正式邀約程序。
> 因此,我建議國際組可先擬定一份email邀約文案給大家,給大家有方便條件的人直接初步詢問海外人士意願,如果獲得正面回
> 應,就轉交國際組統籌,以方便國際組掌握整體邀請進度。
> 國內議程邀約部分也請Jack比照辦理(先提供邀請函,大家都可就便利條件提出名單協助邀約)。
> 另外,有一件事也想徵詢大家同意。目前承蒙大家支持,由我出面代表擔任活動委員長,因此日後若本活動有需整體對外"具名"文 件,我想就以"OpenStack
> Day Taiwan 2015”來具名,若需要個人具名,則由我代表具名,然不論上述哪種方式,我都會把具名文件內容預先給大家確認後,再對外發表。
> 如果大家同意,那即日起對外須具名之相關文件,就麻煩各組準備好內容後,寄給大家確認後再發布。
> PS. 以上所稱"大家",為求效率,以本活動之15名委員為主,但各委員可依視需求自行代表來反映社群其他人士聲音與意見。
> 謝謝。
> 委員長 YOYO @ 2015/4/26
> 從「Windows 郵件」送出
> *寄件者**:* Joanna H. Huang <joanna at aptira.com>
> *寄件日期**:* ‎2015‎年‎4月‎24‎日‎星期五 ‎下午‎ ‎10‎:‎23
> *收件者**:* mac Jack <macjacktw at hotmail.com>
> *副本**:* yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com, openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
> Hi Jack, can you let us know who you have contacted with? Can you please
> work on Taiwanese speaker invitation so that we don't have work overlap.
> Once we have confirmed our international speakers, we will forward their
> contacts to your group.
> Can you also remind us the policy? We didn't discuss this in last meeting
> when josh and wenyu volunteered to international affair working group. I
> don't see there is a sensitive issue in our working group since we will be
> CC'ing all team members in every single email we exchanged with our
> contacts.
> Cheers,
> Joanna
> On 24 Apr 2015 10:09 pm, "Jack mac" <macjacktw at hotmail.com> wrote:
>  Hello OpenStacker
> 我正在跟幾位亞太區的user group leader contact
> 有消息再跟各位回報
> 另外
> 當初有決議
> 同公司的委員
> 不能在同一組
> 請問是否還要繼續執行
> Thanks
> BR
> macJack
> Friday, April 24, 2015, 19:46 +0800 from yoyochiang <
> yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com>:
>    Awesome!
> <Invited speaker to be confirmed> (China)
> →程輝 (CEO of UnitedStack)
> I think either Jack or I can contact him.
> Yoyo
> 從「Windows 郵件」送出
> *寄件者**:* Joanna H. Huang
> <https://e-aj.my.com/compose/?mailto=mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang%40gmail.com>
> *寄件日期**:* ‎2015‎年‎4月‎24‎日‎星期五 ‎下午‎ ‎05‎:‎03
> *收件者**:* openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
> <https://e-aj.my.com/compose/?mailto=mailto:openstack-tw%40lists.openstack.org>
> Hi all,
> Just a follow-up from yesterday's meeting that we need to start soon
> inviting speakers from foundation as well as some existing successful
> OpenStack user stories. The following invitation list was suggested in our
> meeting yesterday.
>    - OpenStack Foundation
>     - Jonathan Bryce
>       - Mark Collier
>       - Tom Fifield
>    - OpenStack Ambassador in Asia-Pacific region
>     - Akihiro Hasegawa
>       - Akira Yoshiyama
>       - Tristan Goode
>       - Kavit Munshi
>       - Ye Lu
>    - OpenStack User Group Lead in Asia-Pacific region
>     - Kavit Munshi (India)
>       - Akihiro Hasegawa (Japan)
>       - <Invited speaker to be confirmed> (China)
>       - Tristan Goode (Australia)
>    - OpenStack user stories (Apps on OpenStack, OpenStack deployment use
>    case)
>     - Felix Lee,CERN ATLAS Taiwan Tier 1 Centre, Academia Sinica
>       - <Invited speaker to be confirmed>,VM5(Mobile Virtualization)
>       - Jhen-Wei Huang, MediaTek
> If you know any one who may like to share their OpenStack user story,
> please do suggest! We need more happy user stories!
> Committee international affair working group (Josh Chai, Wen Yu Chen,
> Felix Lee, and Joanna Huang) will be sending invitation letters to
> OpenStack foundation, ambassador and user group lead soon.
> The speakers in community training, technology sharing, and sponsor
> sessions will be selected from Call For Speaker application. The
> application approach will be conducted by committee soon. The topics
> includes but not limited to the following: getting started, compute,
> networking, storage, community building, presentation-based hand-on.
> Feel free to reply to this email if you have any comment or suggestion.
> Thanks a lot and hope everyone have a lovely weekend!
> Cheers,
> Joanna
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