[openstack-tw] 3rd OpenStack Day Meeting at 2pm on Thu 23 April 2015

Joanna H. Huang joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 23:43:57 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Thank you to all who replied to the doodle poll. The winning slot for 
our next community meeting for OpenStack Day is
**2pm, Thursday, 23th of April, 2015*

For those who are not available to attend the meeting in person at this 
time, I would like to invite and encourage you to join via google 
hangouts that would be set up for remote participants. Your 
participation to our community activities is very important for 
nourishing a strong user group here in Taiwan.

The location is NOT confirmed yet. Is there anyone who would like to 
volunter to offer the office space for our meeting? Thanks a lot!


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