[openstack-tw] Fw: OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting

yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com
Thu Apr 9 02:42:16 UTC 2015

Thanks Joanna.

My opinion is... if we can get some materials as listed below (I think IThome may have these) to study/preview before Friday afternoon, then the meeting would be poductive even with only few people.


志 工委員會應召開首次會議,決議:

l   贊助方案、贊助商權益、義務與限制確認

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l   收入不足與收入超額之後續應變規範

l   大會承辦單位:招商、招生、物流管控、現場執行等

If it’s too rush to get these materials to be ready by Friday, then it’d be better to discuss/communicate via email or other collaboration platform first, to save time for all.

For your reference.

Gemini Open Cloud Computing Inc.

行銷長 Chief Marketing Officer
姜昱有Yoyo Chiang
Tel : 03-6590698 #212
Mobile : 0988-580-206
Email : yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com
地址 : 30070 新竹市東區公道五路二段158號11樓之3

官方網站 :www.GeminiOpenCloud.com
FB粉絲團 : https://www.facebook.com/Gemini.GOCloud

寄件者: Joanna H. Huang
寄件日期: ‎2015‎年‎4月‎9‎日‎星期四 ‎上午‎ ‎10‎:‎35
收件者: openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org

Hi all,

Thanks to all who responded to the doodle pool. The current winning slot is this Friday afternoon 2pm or 3pm. 

I've sent out emails to reach as many community and committee members as possible, but haven't got much response. Therefore, I would like to propose two options for you guys to consider. 

The first option is to hold the meeting on this Friday based on the the result of poll. We may have low attendance rate for the meeting. Committee members who can't make it to the meeting will have to follow up the minutes and discuss via email about the tasks they can contribute to.

Or we cancel the meeting for this month and discuss or report all the preparation tasks via email instead. And we aim to hold the first committee board meeting joined with monthly meeting in May. 

Let me know what you guys prefer. 

I would like to encourage your participation to our community volunteer work. Your input will bring in great influences to the success of OpenStack Day Taiwan 2015. I also would like to gently remind committee board members of their responsibility to participate the preparation activities for this event. The great success will be accomplished if we can work together as a team. 

I'm looking forward to working with you all and learning from your great experience. 


 08/04/15 16:30, Chris Huang wrote:

Dear Joanna,

It seems that I didn’t save well my availability, and I just update again.

Thank you for reminding.


~Chris +886-(0)939723239


From: Joanna H. Huang [mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 4:27 PM
To: Chris Huang; openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [openstack-tw] OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting


Hi Chris,

It seems that you won't be able to make it this week nor the following week. Is anyone from iThome who is attending and will report the work status in the meeting?

Based on the minutes from last meeting, we will need report from iThome about budget plan update and sponsorship proposal for OpenStack Day. 


On 08/04/15 16:13, Chris Huang wrote:

Dear Joanna,

Thanks for your invitation. I’ve updated my availability on it.


~Chris +886-(0)939723239


From: Joanna H. Huang [mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 3:46 PM
To: Chris Huang; 'Joanna H. Huang'; 'Tsao, Terence'; openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org; 'Charles Hsu'
Subject: Re: [openstack-tw] OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting


Hi Chris, 

I'll update your availability on Doodle poll: http://doodle.com/9i2x57g6tvwsp45y

Thanks a lot.


On 07/04/15 12:39, Chris Huang wrote:

Dear Guys,


It seems we won't have a meeting today,

Could you please mark the dates you can meet?




Who can make it



























~Chris +886-(0)939723239


-----Original Message-----
From: Joanna H. Huang [mailto:joanna at aptira.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 12:28 PM
To: Tsao, Terence; openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org; Joanna H. Huang; Charles Hsu
Subject: Re: [openstack-tw] OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting


Hi Terence,


The number committee board members is around 15, plus some community users so I reckon it will be around 20-30.


I won't be able to attend this meeting today.


I think we should discuss a role of coordinator for meeting arrangement and confirmation in our next meeting.






On 07/04/15 12:18, Tsao, Terence wrote:

> Hello guys,


> Do we know how many people will attend this meeting ? I have schedule conflict this afternoon .

> Thank you.


> Terence Tsao



> "Joanna H. Huang" 

> <joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com<mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com>> 

> 於 2015/4/7 下 午12:02 寫 道:


> Hi guys,


> Just talked to GigaMedia that they have booked the meeting room for this meeting for today. Can you please suggest if you can make it to this meeting today in the afternoon or do you prefer to reschedule this meeting?


> Cheers,

> Joanna


> On 07/04/15 11:32, Joanna H. Huang wrote:

> Hi guys,


> I've created an etherpad page as Charles suggested: 

> https://etherpad.mozilla.org/ZSgojtzTrz


> Feel free to compose this page for further details. Formal meeting invitation or notification should be sent beforehand.


> Also please suggest the date for the 2nd OpenStack Day preparatory meeting. I assume that all committee board members should attend this meeting or an absence notification/reason is required.


> Cheers,

> Joanna



> On 07/04/15 11:03, Charles Hsu wrote:

> Hi Joanna,


> I think if we can send a notification of each meeting in maillist, it'll be helpful.

> Please create a etherpad for each meeting.


> Best,

> Charles


> 2015-04-07 10:58 GMT+08:00 Joanna H. Huang <joanna at aptira.com<mailto:joanna at aptira.com>>:

> Hi all,


> I think we should reschedule this meeting to another day this week since there wasn't a confirmation or details or notification about this meeting.


> Any thoughts?


> Cheers,

> Joanna





> On 07/04/15 10:40, Charles Hsu wrote:

> Hi All,


> 今 天似 乎有 個會議是在內湖,請問依舊照常舉行嗎?會在IRC或 其他 通訊 軟體上同步 嗎?

> 我 沒有 參加 第一次會議,所以不是很清楚細節。


> Thanks,

> Charles




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