[Summit-Programming-Committee] Virtual Open Infrastructure Summit - Welcome!
Jimmy McArthur
jimmy at openstack.org
Thu Aug 6 16:47:59 UTC 2020
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On Aug 6 2020, at 11:32 am, prakash RAMCHANDRAN <pramchan at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ashlee,
> There were specific requests from sesu from who came to me when deadlines were extended twice as he could not reach the proposed speaker plus there profiles were either missing or not upto date. Same I ran into 2 if the proposed panels, as either we did not have a way to adress them or needed permission from Vendors to authorise the speaker's to endorse submission. I asked them to use my name and which they can sub later once speaker beauro addresses some of these issues.
I just responded to this in ZenDesk. Short answer, we changed the total # of allowed submissions to 4 per person. If sesu has some proposals, I'd suggest a placeholder submission and they can fill in the details later. It should at least detail the topic and they can add themselves as a speaker.
> Hope the Program commitees of different track will allow some of this to be included on in the pool for rating once these are added beyond deadline as the date showed up as 10th 11.59 or 11th xx.xx on cfp screens depending on their locations.
The deadline adjusted for the users locality, but it was the same for all users. We did open it back up for a few stragglers to put their presentations in or edit existing ones.
> 1. Jimmy, Can speaker beauro address those asap.
> 2. Ashley can you provide us zoom links to help organize track meetings.
Let me see what we can do for this.... I think most people have their own zoom account these days?
> 3. If we need to transfer any proposals across the tracks for filing in incorrect bucket, can we take that up as first task, rather than playing ping pong and disappointing the proposed cfps. We will do the same at the last round too, but knowing how to accommodate some very deserving cfps etc or ask the proposers to reorient some to be able to get those in.
That's what Phase 1 of the Track Chair review is for. Determining if something should be in another category. We'll send out instructions on this soon.
> 4. Plus send us links to respective teams to see what they need to review and do like reviewing, rating, voting etc.
Not quite sure what you're after on this. You can see the other teams selections, but each set of track chairs will be limited to activity within their own track.
> Thanks
> Prakash
> PC member
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> > On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 8:32 AM, Ashlee Ferguson
> > <ashlee at openstack.org> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > Thank you so much for volunteering to be on the Programming Committee for the virtual Open Infrastructure Summit—we’re looking forward to working with you!
> >
> > The CFP for the Open Infrastructure Summit is now closed, and soon we’ll be kicking off round one of the review process, so make sure to look out for that email on this mailing list. First, I wanted to send you all a list of your fellow Programming Committee members so you can all communicate as a team.
> >
> > Please find names and emails of each Track's Programming Committee in the attached spreadsheet.
> >
> > The next email kicking off round one will have many more details and instructions, but let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ashlee
> >
> >
> > Ashlee Ferguson
> > Community & Events Coordinator
> > OpenStack Foundation
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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