[Summit-Programming-Committee] Virtual Open Infrastructure Summit - Welcome!

Ashlee Ferguson ashlee at openstack.org
Thu Aug 6 15:31:57 UTC 2020

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for volunteering to be on the Programming Committee for the virtual Open Infrastructure Summit—we’re looking forward to working with you!

The CFP for the Open Infrastructure Summit is now closed, and soon we’ll be kicking off round one of the review process, so make sure to look out for that email on this mailing list. First, I wanted to send you all a list of your fellow Programming Committee members so you can all communicate as a team. 

Please find names and emails of each Track's Programming Committee in the attached spreadsheet.

The next email kicking off round one will have many more details and instructions, but let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.


Ashlee Ferguson
Community & Events Coordinator
OpenStack Foundation

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