[Openstack-track-chairs] Hello Forum Selection Committee!

Melvin Hillsman mrhillsman at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 22:14:30 UTC 2018

Hey Jimmy,

Is there a way to get a message to the groups on meetup? I would like it to
be something specific from the User Committee rather than a general
communication. Possibly this week like Thursday? Otherwise I'll have to
message them directly which is a pain but can be done. After a general
message it would be great for something more personal to groups that are
closer to where the summit will be happening. Thoughts?

On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 4:27 PM Jimmy McArthur <jimmy at openstack.org> wrote:

> Hi All -
> We're now about 6 days into the Forum Submission process and I wanted to
> reach out with some pertinent information/needs:
>    - [Action] The deadline for proposing forum topics is September 26th.
>    Please promote this to your various groups, friends, and family.
>    - [Info] September 27-October 9 will be where the Forum Selection
>    Committee comes into play.  This is where we'll need to review and approve
>    all submissions and submit a draft schedule proposal to the rest of the
>    community.
>    - [Action] We are working on an update of the SuperUser article to
>    promote the Forum.  We'd love your thoughts/ideas about how best to promote
>    this.  If you'd like to contribute, now's the time:
>    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DVp47UFGdtFBdgHlwRPZIaIDWmB97qa5HKlq9OgfNtE/edit
> More to come.  Thanks everyone for your attention and time!
> Cheers,
> Jimmy
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Kind regards,

Melvin Hillsman
mrhillsman at gmail.com
mobile: (832) 264-2646
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