[Openstack-track-chairs] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Track Chair Registration Codes

Erin Disney erin at openstack.org
Tue Sep 13 19:48:05 UTC 2016

All- below please find your complimentary registration codes for the OpenStack Barcelona Summit.  

REGISTER HERE <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/openstack-summit-october-2016-barcelona-tickets-24406960877>

When you register on EventBrite, you will need to first click on “Enter Promotional Code” and then copy and paste your code in the text box before you select the ticket type. It's easy to miss, so please reference the following illustration:

OS_BCN_O1025	Abayomi Ayoola
OS_BCN_8WOGA	Affan Syed
OS_BCN_QP3HR	Akihiro Hasegawa
OS_BCN_W6BUQ	Akshai Parthasarathy
OS_BCN_YS0H0	Amrith Kumar
OS_BCN_35KR2	Anca Ivanov
OS_BCN_OFR1U	Andrew Mitry
OS_BCN_E0784	anni Lai
OS_BCN_9UUPX	Annie Potvin
OS_BCN_16N3Z	Antoine Cabot
OS_BCN_ZAR9L	Arkady Kanevsky
OS_BCN_QY93U	Asvin Rs
OS_BCN_2H72R	Belmiro Moreira
OS_BCN_F9HDD	Bernard Meade
OS_BCN_G7XPG	Blair Bethwaite
OS_BCN_IPF4O	Brandon Jozsa
OS_BCN_8IS11	Brendan Wolfe
OS_BCN_L8L8R	Carol Barrett
OS_BCN_531I7	cathy zhang
OS_BCN_G2H6N	ChangBo Guo
OS_BCN_V1RV8	Christopher Aedo
OS_BCN_J843K	Curtis Collicut
OS_BCN_FQHZL	Daniel Krook
OS_BCN_7WK1M	David Medberry
OS_BCN_30K4L	David Wahlstrom
OS_BCN_94FGZ	Dean Troyer
OS_BCN_UM70P	Denys Makogon
OS_BCN_51OUX	Devin Parrish
OS_BCN_07MHR	Dr Yih Leong Sun
OS_BCN_IYUY0	Edgar Magana
OS_BCN_07OCM	Egle Sigler
OS_BCN_OJSLF	Ernest de Leon
OS_BCN_KJKRV	Florian Haas
OS_BCN_C312R	Gal Sagie
OS_BCN_6SYGN	Gary Kevorkian
OS_BCN_HO09E	Gerald Kunzman
OS_BCN_0TPZR	Heather Kirksey
OS_BCN_ZHDYT	Holly Bazemore
OS_BCN_R0PFP	Hongbin Lu
OS_BCN_77HIO	Ilya Stechkin
OS_BCN_4D1KT	Jakub Pavlik
OS_BCN_54QYX	Jamey McCabe
OS_BCN_XWQ3Y	John Dickinson
OS_BCN_263BE	John Garbutt
OS_BCN_W4TAU	John Jainschigg
OS_BCN_GP04U	Joshua Harlow
OS_BCN_SUFPW	Kurt Garloff
OS_BCN_IMBCM	Kyle Mestery
OS_BCN_9IXP9	Lachlan Evenson
OS_BCN_DAPUQ	Marc Koderer
OS_BCN_GO2SJ	Marton Kiss
OS_BCN_JA8A9	Matt Fischer
OS_BCN_1Z5B4	Matt Jarvis
OS_BCN_EDZ94	Matt Van Winkle
OS_BCN_CRYTA	Megan Rossetti
OS_BCN_DJ2DU	Nate Ziemann
OS_BCN_C1FGP	Nathanael Burton
OS_BCN_PJ8XW	Nick Chase
OS_BCN_D0OJW	Nicole Acosta
OS_BCN_UAT1I	Petra Sargent
OS_BCN_NC9RF	Phil Estes
OS_BCN_4HX9G	Rob Clark
OS_BCN_9A9MH	Rochelle Grober
OS_BCN_YCCV5	Russell Bryant
OS_BCN_86U9B	Salvatore Orlando
OS_BCN_AUHMF	Sean McGinnis
OS_BCN_0DEUM	Shamail Tahir
OS_BCN_MU41A	Shilla Saebi
OS_BCN_CTLSM	Shintaro Mizuno
OS_BCN_5SXMH	Stan Chan
OS_BCN_NJNUQ	Stefano Maffulli
OS_BCN_F6R7N	Stephane Antoine
OS_BCN_1XOGZ	Steve Martinelli
OS_BCN_BVPZF	Stig Telfer
OS_BCN_H4KCT	Takashi Torii
OS_BCN_FEPML	Thomas Morin
OS_BCN_HY1A0	Tony Campbell
OS_BCN_TKAJO	Travis McPeak
OS_BCN_B2YKX	Ulrich Kleber
OS_BCN_GNKJY	Victor Diaz
OS_BCN_0QXX1	Victoria Martinez de la Cruz
OS_BCN_LLDQG	Walter Bentley
OS_BCN_4KY3M	Xing Yang

Erin Disney
OpenStack Marketing
erin at openstack.org <mailto:erin at openstack.org>
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