[Openstack-track-chairs] Submitting proposals after closing

Matt Fischer matt at mattfischer.com
Mon Feb 8 15:54:51 UTC 2016

I can't seem to get into the tool right now, but IIRC the Case Studies
track already has probably around 80-100 talks.

While this talk does sound compelling, I don't really think it's fair to
those that followed the process to allow this in. Also it's not like they
missed out and can't talk about this ever, I'd have them re-submit again
for Barcelona, it's closer for folks from the UK to travel to anyway.

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 4:20 AM, Matt Jarvis <matt.jarvis at datacentred.co.uk>

> Just to be clear, this wouldn't be a proposal about DataCentred, we run an
> entirely vanilla OpenStack cloud anyway. As far as I am concerned any talk
> would be specifically about the HRMC digital transformation project and the
> benefits they've seen from running on OpenStack.
> Their workload is a black box to us really anyway, I'm definitely not
> taking any responsibility for anyone's tax return status ;)
> On 8 February 2016 at 10:00, Salvatore Orlando <salv.orlando at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I agree with Jonathan that the decision ultimately rests with the track
>> chairs for the case study track.
>> In my opinion, ff the track is already crowded with proposals, perhaps
>> the best thing to do is to invite HMRC and Datacentred to submit a talk for
>> Barcelona; otherwise an invited talk might be considered.
>> The hard question for the chairs of the case study track is to understand
>> how compelling is this use case for the OpenStack users and operators
>> community.
>> As for the comparison brought up by Florian, I don't think this sort of
>> talk comes with any "PR risk".
>> On another note, this might explain why this year HMRC ended up
>> processing my payment after the deadline even if I made it well before
>> it... If I'm slapped with a penalty I now know who I should complain with...
>> Salvatore
>> On 8 February 2016 at 09:40, Florian Haas <florian at hastexo.com> wrote:
>>> One additional point here. I don't know about what others think, but
>>> one major government user story we had at a Summit was the NSA, a few
>>> months prior to Snowden. I don't think that there's anything the
>>> Summit organizers for Portland are to be blamed for, because it wasn't
>>> public knowledge at the time that Five Eyes are essentially spying on
>>> citizens across the planet. But I can tell you that if *I* had been
>>> the one that made the decision at the time to put them on stage, in
>>> front of an international community a large portion of which the
>>> speaker would be expected to treat as adversaries and targets, I'd be
>>> immensely retroactively embarrassed.
>>> Now clearly I don't want to equate national legal tax collection with
>>> offensive and indiscriminate global blanket surveillance, but I do
>>> believe that any superuser stories, keynotes etc. should receive extra
>>> scrutiny and vetting from Summit organizers, particularly when they
>>> come from government agencies. In Portland this community was new and
>>> not under much media scrutiny, so we got some breaks; I think we don't
>>> get those anymore.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Florian
>>> On Sun, Feb 7, 2016 at 7:28 PM, Matt Jarvis
>>> <matt.jarvis at datacentred.co.uk> wrote:
>>> > Yep, agree with all your comments, although to be fair they are not
>>> really
>>> > engaged with the community so weren't aware about the Summits. They
>>> were
>>> > planning to blog about it, and I suggested they should submit
>>> something.
>>> >
>>> > If it had been just another commercial company implementing it, I
>>> wouldn't
>>> > have brought it up, but given it's a major world government I thought
>>> it's a
>>> > pretty important story for OpenStack adoption.
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